<HTML><BODY><p style="margin-top: 0px;" dir="ltr">I had literature years ago that said Ware Corp made loader attachments for the OC 3-4 and possibly the HG. Oliver Cletrac may have bought Ware in later years.</p>
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<p dir="ltr">--<br> Sent from myMail for Android</p>
</div>Monday, 01 April 2019, 09:58PM -07:00 from James Peck <a href="mailto:jamesgpeck@hotmail.com">jamesgpeck@hotmail.com</a>:<br><br><blockquote id="mail-app-auto-quote" style="border-left:1px solid #FC2C38; margin:0px 0px 0px 10px; padding:0px 0px 0px 10px;" cite="15541810990000383384">
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<base target="_self" href="https://e-aj.my.com/" />
<div id="style_15541810990000383384_BODY">I do get quite a few publications already.<br>
-----Original Message-----<br>
From: Sherry Schaefer <<a href="mailto:sherry@oliverheritage.com">sherry@oliverheritage.com</a> <br>
Sent: Monday, April 1, 2019 10:37 AM<br>
To: <a href="mailto:jamesgpeck@hotmail.com">jamesgpeck@hotmail.com</a><br>
Subject: Re: [AT] Oliver crawler Loaders<br>
I'm not sure where to start with this. We publish an Oliver crawler story in every single magazine. Crawler production started Cleveland, Ohio, (Cleveland Tractor Company aka Cletrac). When the plant closed, production moved to Charles City. Some loaders were built by Oliver, some were built by others. Just depends on what you ordered. Crawlers were produced until 1965. I have no idea who Tyler is.<br>
Sherry Schaefer<br>
Oliver Heritage - editor<br>
On 4/1/19, 9:27 AM, "Ashley Heuerman" <<a href="mailto:ashley@3pointink.com">ashley@3pointink.com</a> wrote:<br>
------ Forwarded Message<br>
From: James Peck <<a href="mailto:jamesgpeck@hotmail.com">jamesgpeck@hotmail.com</a><br>
Date: Sun, 31 Mar 2019 18:03:58 +0000<br>
To: "<a href="mailto:info@oliverheritage.com">info@oliverheritage.com</a>" <<a href="mailto:info@oliverheritage.com">info@oliverheritage.com</a><br>
Subject: FW: [AT] Oliver crawler Loaders<br>
Has Oliver Heritage published any articles discussing the crawler <br>
loader manufacturing location?<br>
<a href="https://oliverheritage.com/" target="_blank" >https://oliverheritage.com/</a><br>
This says that the OC4 was likely the model spencer saw. Still does <br>
not say where the loader was made.<br>
[Wikipedia] In 1962 at the new Charles City, Iowa crawler production <br>
line, the last incarnation of the OC-4 was produced. It was a sturdier <br>
industrial model named the Series B. They were powered with the same 3 <br>
cylinder Hercules GO-130 and DD-130 engines of the mid-series models. <br>
The OC-4 product line was discontinued in 1965.<br>
<a href="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Oliver_Farm_Equipment_Company#Crawlers" target="_blank" >https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Oliver_Farm_Equipment_Company#Crawlers</a><br>
This link implies that no more crawler loaders were built after the <br>
Cletrac location was closed after purchase by White Motors.<br>
<a href="https://historymuseumsb.org/the-oliver-corporation/" target="_blank" >https://historymuseumsb.org/the-oliver-corporation/</a><br>
This museum is in Charles City, Iowa. Is Tyler on the staff?<br>
<a href="https://floydcountymuseum.org/tour/TractorRoom.html" target="_blank" >https://floydcountymuseum.org/tour/TractorRoom.html</a><br>
Hart-Parr, an Oliver predecessor is credited with first using the term <br>
White Motors closed up Cletrac in 1961. Did they produce any crawlers <br>
later than that?<br>
<a href="https://case.edu/ech/articles/c/cletrac-inc" target="_blank" >https://case.edu/ech/articles/c/cletrac-inc</a><br>
The other question is whether the loaders were produced at a location <br>
other than where the crawler was manufactured.<br>
[Spencer Yost] Just one Tyler, a crawler with a loader. OC-6 I guess?<br>
Original paint was yellow and not green so I guess an industrial version?<br>
The loader seemed to match the crawler perfectly - not sure if Oliver <br>
sold loaders with their crawlers but judging by the near perfection <br>
of design and fit I would say it was Oliver made and came with the crawler.<br>
This was one of the ones with its work clothes on but was in good condition.<br>
The undercarriage seemed tight and overall hours did not appear high. It<br>
went in the $3000s I believe.<br>
BTW: Every single tractor at the sale started and ran well. There was <br>
not a non-runner or stuck tractor in the bunch.<br>
[Tyler Juranek] Hi Spencer, Were there any Olivers at the sale?<br>
AT mailing list<br>
<a href="mailto:AT@lists.antique-tractor.com">AT@lists.antique-tractor.com</a><br>
<a href="http://lists.antique-tractor.com/listinfo.cgi/at-antique-tractor.com" target="_blank" >http://lists.antique-tractor.com/listinfo.cgi/at-antique-tractor.com</a><br>
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