[AT] Actual tractor question

rdhaskell at juno.com rdhaskell at juno.com
Thu Apr 20 10:03:51 PDT 2023

Thanks Stuart.  
Been a little busy around here, sorry for taking so long to reply.  I
will try your suggestion, 

On Thu, 13 Apr 2023 08:19:39 -0500 Stuart Harner <stuart at harnerfarm.net>
> It seems really unlikely there is still air in the system after all 
> the 
> cycles it has done.
> Is it possible to swap the hoses where the two sides are tied 
> together?
> My guess is that there is an internal fault in a hose on the left 
> side. 
> If there is, swapping the hoses would move the problem to the other 
> cylinder.
> You could also swap the hoses for the bucket and the lift at the 
> valve 
> and see if the problem remains in the lift or if it moves to the 
> bucket. 
> That would confirm the valve function.
> Both of these should be easier than swapping the cylinders which 
> would 
> be a last resort option to prove it is in the cylinder itself.
> Just some off the top of my head ideas to isolate the problem.
> My tractor blew the main pressure line the other day and pumped the 
> tank 
> dry before I knew it. Replaced hose and refilled. Two cycles of each 
> cylinder purged all the air and it once again was running smoothly.
> Hopefully someone else has some other ideas.
> Stuart

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