[AT] Crazy pricing on construction job
Dean VP
deanvp at att.net
Tue May 11 21:47:33 PDT 2021
Mike, I agree. Read my post to the list.
Dean VP
Snohomish, WA 98290
"Socialism is a philosophy of failure, the creed of ignorance, and gospel of
envy, its inherent virtue is the equal sharing of misery."
..Winston Churchill...
-----Original Message-----
From: AT <at-bounces at lists.antique-tractor.com> On Behalf Of Mike M
Sent: Tuesday, May 11, 2021 10:49 AM
To: at at lists.antique-tractor.com
Subject: Re: [AT] Crazy pricing on construction job
Hi Dean, I think it's the mills that are stepping on it. I have a neighbor
who farms, and is a real logger, he has the giant grapples and all. He has
8-10ft logs stacked to the the moon. I have never seen him with so much
lumber around the farm. I think his reimbursement has stalled and the mills
and retailers are getting rich. Right now around here a sheet of 1/2" OSB
used to sell for $10, now it's $40.
Mike M
On 5/10/2021 11:58 PM, Dean VP wrote:
> I received a few quotes on building a replacement deck on our house
> last summer but had to abandon the project due to scheduling issues.
> So I immediately restarted the process this year after we got back
> from AZ. I am completely flabbergasted by the prices I am getting this
> year. The quotes I have received so far are up by 80% to 125%.
> Unbelievable. I have been told that lumber prices have quadrupled in
> the last year. Is that really true? I haven't gone to a lumber yard
> lately. I've been told that 5 quarter Cedar is slightly higher than a
> composite floor and I live where Cedar trees grow wild. . I am just flat
stunned. How much of this is just fluff right now
> and will eventually go away or is this inflation that is here to stay?
> do I try and ride it out and wait another year. I didn't plan or
> expect the have to pay this much for a new deck on the house. The house
and the
> neighborhood will withstand this much investment but....WOW!!! I
> feel like I'm a sucker right now. What the heck is the cause of all this?
> Dean VP
> Snohomish, WA 98290
> "Socialism is a philosophy of failure, the creed of ignorance, and
> gospel of envy, its inherent virtue is the equal sharing of misery."
> ..Winston Churchill...
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