[AT] Hope
Ken Knierim
ken.knierim at gmail.com
Tue May 11 08:50:30 PDT 2021
That's a nice bit and a great testament to the young lady and the folks
supporting her. There are a lot of good kids learning good things. Don't
let the media lead you to believe they are all gone.
My son runs track and cross country. I get to see these young people doing
great things and the volunteer coaches and parental involvement that pays
dividends. Sure there are the jocks but they're a rarity in this community.
If you're into science and technology, check out the maker's faires and so
forth... there are a lot of good kids doing great things out there.
If you'll allow me to brag a bit about my son, he's heavily into anything
with an engine. He started with trains before he could talk and it runs the
gamut from steam to jet. As mentioned, he's a runner and he's made it to
nationals a couple times doing that. He's learned the value of effort.
He's doing work on neighbor's vehicles (plug and coil change on 2011 F250;
fender liner had to come out and there are 16 plugs...) and running my
Bobcat to set up flood irrigation and mowing yards to make money for his
Mustang restoration project. He learned to weld at 11; he's repowered the
gokart he wore the engine out on, helped repower 2 minibikes (predator
replacements for the original Briggs) at 12, decided to learn to paint on
the practice Mustang we are nearly done with (our Covid car) so I had to
learn that and some body work to support the concept. He started driving
the gokart then moved to my Case DH and has clacked around on my TD-14
(tractor reference) and it goes on; he'll be 14 in late June. During the
lockdown he was stuck at home so he was learning how to run our 3D printer
to make parts for my business; he then used some of this knowledge for his
next school project (3D printed parts for his mag-lev train).
He's not your typical kid and I realize I'm biased, but good kids are out
there working their butts off... I believe that's why you don't hear about
them. We all know hard work isn't chic or newsworthy but it tends to pay
the bills.
That's why I like articles like this one. Thanks, Brad
Ken in AZ
On Tue, May 11, 2021 at 12:25 AM Mattias Kessén <davidbrown950 at gmail.com>
> Fine work!
> Med vänlig hälsning
> Mattias Kessén
> Hässelstad Solhöjden 2
> 594 93 Gamleby
> 070-523 59 00
> Den tis 11 maj 2021 kl 01:16 skrev Brad Loomis <brad.loomis at gmail.com>:
>> This give me hope for the coming generation. Not sure if it's behind a
>> paywall or not, but it's a 17yo high school girl restoring a 50's era
>> Agricat crawler.
>> https://www.sanluisobispo.com/news/local/education/article251186914.html?
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