[AT] Clearing a pipe

Jim Becker mr.jebecker at gmail.com
Mon Mar 1 14:37:15 PST 2021

You could try putting a 10 or 12 foot pipe or solid tubing on the end of a 
garden hose.  Cram it in from the downhill end and work it around.  It might 
help to put an elbow on the working end, pointing up.

Jim Becker

-----Original Message----- 
From: Mike M
Sent: Monday, March 01, 2021 1:57 PM
To: Antique tractor email discussion group
Subject: [AT] Clearing a pipe

I know a lot of you guys are good at coming up with solutions to
problems, so here's mine. My field is drained through a private drain
about 12" in diameter 12' in length, it's corrugated PVC, not smooth on
the inside. Well, Mr Muskrat decided to build a home in that pipe and I
cannot get far enough into it to clear it all out, got some, but I can
feel there's more grass in there; plus I just had a heart ablation so
what used to seem like a minor job causes pain and shortness of breath.
I need to scrape that pipe clean and then block him from getting into
it, probably by pounding rebar into the ground about 2" apart.  Any
ideas would be appreciated.

Mike M 

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