[AT] Tractor Lightning Strike?

Jim Becker mr.jebecker at gmail.com
Tue Jul 13 09:17:45 PDT 2021

I don’t doubt for a second that it could have been the result of a lightning strike.  It didn’t need to be a direct hit or even all that nearby.  Lightning can easily cause induced current where you might not expect it.  It could have even directly activated a solenoid without getting power from the battery.  A mechanical fuel cut-off that had been returned to the run position would be all it would take to let it start.  It depends on how easy-starting the engine is.

I recall from my Army days, the trucks used a pull cable to cut off fuel.  We routinely pulled the handle and as soon as the engine stopped, we shoved it back in.  Probably left them in gear too.

Some posters questioned the pile of mud in front of the wheels, suggesting the tractor had to have been put in reverse after it hit the tree.  However, that pile looks pushed there, not thrown.  That pile looks like it was pushed there by the belly of the tractor or the tire itself.

Add in the known storm and lightning strikes, along with the first hand comments form the people that saw the result firsthand, I’m doubt it was vandalism.

Jim Becker
From: Stephen Offiler 
Sent: Tuesday, July 13, 2021 9:01 AM
To: Antique tractor email discussion group 
Subject: [AT] Tractor Lightning Strike?

I'm not sure who can see this, but I hope it is available to the general public, whether you have a Facebook account or not... 


Not MY tractor.  It's on my Facebook page because I'm sharing it.  You can read commentary from the owner, Lapsley Orchard, and you can also see what I came up with.  I am really curious to hear input from ATIS members.

Steve O.

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