[AT] OT- Dual boot

cgs oxygenfarm at gmail.com
Tue Jan 12 15:58:08 PST 2021

Mike - I've been using Mint for almost 10 years exclusively. Here's a 
web site to check:
_ https://forums.linuxmint.com/viewforum.php?f=90_
I would be glad to coach in detail.

On 1/12/21 6:45 PM, Mike M wrote:
> Hi all, it's been a little slow lately, so I have an OT question to ask.
> I have a Dell E6520 laptop that is running Windows 7,and has two hard
> drives.  I don't want to upgrade to 10. I would like to learn how to
> boot to either Windows 7, or Linux Mint. Can anyone offer advice on that
> or at least point me in the right direction on how to do so?
> Thanks,
> Mike M
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