[AT] Allis B - Wed progress

Dennis Johnson moscowengnr at outlook.com
Wed Feb 3 20:48:02 PST 2021

Today I got a few hours to work on the B. I got all connecting rod caps off. I got 3 pistons to move, and 1 came out. Other 2 need crank to move so rod can center and those pistons will come out.
Problem is #2 piston still is not moving, and also the crank pulley is not budging loose from the crank. Will try to get rear main cap loose, and also loosen front timing cover to see if crank will come out with that stuff. Time for more penetrant and bigger hammer.
Good news is rod bearings and journals do not look bad. 
Rod caps had thin paper shims between cap and rod. I heard something similar to this years back to adjust bearing clearance, but have never seen it before. 
Another interesting thing was rod cap nuts had cotter pins to lock the nuts. Main cap have safety wire in bolt heads.


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