[AT] Tractor Weekend (Spencer Yost)

STEVE ALLEN steveallen855 at centurytel.net
Wed May 27 13:16:42 PDT 2020


I *think* it's a top leak:  we had plenty of rain since I drained the clear water out the first time.  On top of the water was old but black oil.

Then, we ran it some, several times, and it rained a LOT, plenty of rain to let water leak into it.  Near as we can tell, the coolant has not dropped enough to indicate that it is mixing with the oil (just a little bit of drop, which I attribute to having filled a nearly empty system).

We will continue to keep an eye on the level, and, first chance I get, I'll pull that cap with it running to see if there is any evidence of bubbles.

Thanks to those who confirmed 85w-140 is OK.  It is GL-3,a nd the label confirms safe for bronze.  The tranny, too, is a milkshake, as is the Powr-Trol (possibly partly a function of water in the hydraulic lines from the brushhog, which has sat for a few years).  The only fluid I haven't had to change is the air ;-)

Update on the '47 B:  the carb is cleaned up thoroughly--all the passages drilled out, all the crud removed, all the bits and pieces back together except for the new float.  My! but those passages were plugged up!  The carb was supposedly gone through by a professional at one point, and that attention didn't seem to do any good.  Now, I know why.  The tractor had no power at all.  I have learned a lot since then.  No expert, of course, but we are now certain that all the passages are free and open, that the nozzle is clean and the well clear, and the bowl vents are open.  

My son is now eyeing the starter.  We inspected the switch--it was replaced not long before the tractor was parked, and it cleaned up well.  I can't tell you how tickled I will be if this puppy (fawn??) is back to its old self after all this attention!  More work to do, but progress is being made.

I hope this weekend to be able to get back to the mag on the '49 A.

The "original" Steve Allen

----- Original Message -----
Message: 7
Date: Wed, 27 May 2020 12:59:25 -0400
From: Spencer Yost <spencer at rdfarms.com>
To: Antique Tractor Email Discussion Group
	<at at lists.antique-tractor.com>
Subject: Re: [AT] Tractor Weekend
Message-ID: <0A691464-5486-48F4-940A-4ADF9BEEEED7 at rdfarms.com>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=utf-8

So Steve, the ?on top? leak:   Is that a leak from rain (what I thought) or a coolant leak as Cecil surmised?


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