[AT] OT robot apple pickers
Indiana Robinson
robinson46176 at gmail.com
Mon Jan 13 16:56:56 PST 2020
I have two apple trees in my back yard. Maybe I can call them an orchard.
I do want to plant about 4 more at other locations around the farm this
spring. I may never eat an apple off of any of those but son Scott should
and hopefully a few other descendants might.
I'm going to take out 2 bearing persimmon trees that are in the wrong place
and I want to plant about 4 persimmon trees in other locations to replace
them. The two I am removing are too messy where they are in the yard and
they are competing badly with a young Beech tree and I would rather save
the Beech in the yard. As long as I am able I'll keep planting trees,
especially fruit and nut trees. I also have a lot of mature Tulip Poplar
trees dying and so I am saving every new sprout and moving them to certain
locations when they are about 18" tall. It's just kind of my thing... :-)
On Mon, Jan 13, 2020 at 7:10 PM Mike M <meulenms at gmx.com> wrote:
> What makes me sad are the orchards disappearing. My first job as a 14 year
> old boy was to pull suckers and run irrigation drippers through an apple
> orchard, in Grand Rapids, MI. Now the whole area is littered with strip
> malls and restaurants. Not a fruit tree to be seen.
> Mike M
> On 1/13/2020 7:00 PM, Indiana Robinson wrote:
> There are a few old orchards in this area and quite a few newer ones. One
> of the newer ones has more recently added hundreds of peach trees. The
> orchards in that case along with a large sweet corn operation is a
> replacement for that families confinement hog operation. It all comes about
> during a generation change. All of the orchards around here are not really
> mega volume many semi loads heading to some factory type of things. They
> make their main income as "destinations" with steady sales along and a lot
> of weekend events in the fall that also usually involve a lot of pumpkins
> as well. Some even involve a few old tractors.
> We always had an old sales adage... "Sell the sizzle, not the steak". :-)
> .
> On Mon, Jan 13, 2020 at 3:48 PM Brian VanDragt <bvandragt at comcast.net>
> wrote:
>> My Grandpa was a fruit farmer here in southwest Michigan until the mid
>> 70's. He had migrant workers from Arkansas, and during WWII, German POW's
>> picking fruit. What killed the apple industry here was that cheaper
>> transportation brought Washington apples to our markets (Chicago). The WA
>> apples look nicer, but don't taste as good, but people buy them based on
>> looks. I still have the John Deere AO that he bought new in 1952.
>> Brian
>> On January 11, 2020 at 4:39 PM James Peck < jamesgpeck at hotmail.com >
>> wrote:
>> The area I grew up in lost many of its apple orchards due to Washington
>> state which harvests apples with immigrant labor. Will robot apple
>> harvesters bring back apple growing nationwide?
>> https://www.agequipmentintelligence.com/articles/3529-kubota-invests-in-us-harvesting-robot-maker
>> https://www.linkedin.com/feed/update/urn:li:activity:6621786893652676608/
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> --
> Francis Robinson
> aka "farmer"
> Central Indiana USA
> robinson46176 at gmail.com
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Francis Robinson
aka "farmer"
Central Indiana USA
robinson46176 at gmail.com
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