[AT] Allis Chalmers ED40 injector pipes

James Peck jamesgpeck at hotmail.com
Sun Feb 2 06:29:33 PST 2020

What contemporary book?

What manufacturer pioneered the use of glow plugs?

Thomas Martin AT List Member (tmartin at xtra.co.nz); Well, I'm wrong! :-( It may look like a Ricardo Comet type cylinder head, but according to a contemporary book on the subject, the pre-combustion chamber or air-cell is of the Freeman-Sanders type... So I don't know about the Ricardo soubriquet, sorry.

Ricardo refers to the cylinder head design which utilised the Ricardo Comet indirect injection: The injector at 90º to the bore injecting into a pre-combustion chamber. Buda engines in the early 50s used it, it was a setup that was prone  to head cracking, AC when they bought Buda in the middle fifties redesigned to direct injection. Improved starting out of sight.
https://www.allischalmers.com/forum/search_results_posts.asp?SearchID=20200201205126&KW=ed40 This calls the engine a Standard Ricardo.
  Bo Hinch AT List Member (bohinch at gmail.com); For parts , call these People   https://www.yesterdaystractors.com/Allis-Chalmers-ED40-Tractor-Parts.html
  A  story on the tractor
 John (JV) Maddock  Down Under AT List member  (agtronixjv at southcom.com.au); Can anyone suggest where a new set of injector pipes might be obtained for said tractor? That tractor used the UK-built Standard 23C engine, with a modified head fitted with glow plugs. I have a friend who has modified his FE35 by the addition of glow plugs, but now the original pipes don't fit well, and leak.

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