[AT] Burn bans

Steve W. swilliams268 at frontier.com
Fri Apr 24 21:23:39 PDT 2020

bobbyguilbeau at att.net wrote:
> The burn bans were implemented for a number of reasons.
> Most fire departments also run Emergency Medical Services as well as
>  typical Fire/Rescue.  With that being said firefighters in some
> areas are getting infected with Covid (over 50 in New Orleans)
> leaving fire departments short handed to deal with other emergencies.
> The smoke from these fires exasperates issues with breathing problems
>  for folks that have Covid and other respiratory issues.
> It’s also about adding a layer of social distancing in an attempt to
>  limit interaction with possibly infected people by firefighters and
>  further short staffing of departments for more dire emergencies.
> And of course lessening the possibility that an infected firefighter
> would pass on the virus as well.
> In my department’s case we were also short 4 firefighters that would
> have normally responded due to being embedded in an isolation site
> for a fire watch patrol 24 hours a day seven days per week.
> Add in the bad weather (tornado’s) the northern part of our state has
>  been hit with in the last 3 weeks creating a different set of
> problems. The state activated our Urban Search and Rescue team to
> respond to the Monroe area last week.
> So,  it’s not about exercising power or control, but simply and
> attempt to not create further issues with fires getting out of
> control and not having enough people to deal with it “preservation of
> life and property”.
> Hope this helps better understand the issues/concerns we have
> Bobby Guilbeau
> Chief
> Ward 5 Fire Protection District
> P.O. Box 120
> Turkey Creek, LA  70585

The NY burn ban has been in place for 11 years. Every spring from March 
16 - May 14. In many areas it isn't all that wet during that time and 
the dead dry grasses and debris from winter burn easily. So to prevent 
large areas from burning they placed the ban. It does have exemptions in 
it for training fires, campfires and a few others but overall bans 
outdoor burning.

I can say that I sort of like the idea as I HATED trying to fight fires 
out in fields and wooded areas without any type of off road equipment or 
even wildland turnout gear. Want fun, try running across a field with a 
fire hoe or rake in your hands and a 6 gallon indian tank on your back!
Don't miss that at all...

Steve W.

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