[AT] OT war on poison ivy

James Peck jamesgpeck at hotmail.com
Sat Nov 23 07:54:37 PST 2019

Learning to recognize poison ivy in its many different disguises is important. I do not know how at the moment to help with that.

Steve Offiler AT List member Mechanical Engineer <mailto:soffiler at gmail.com>; Sure, you *want* to.  But what is the reality?  Speaking for myself, and suspecting I'm pretty typical, the first hint that you were exposed is the rash.

James AT List Member and advocate of upgradeable tractor vocational training <jamesgpeck at hotmail.com>; You want to scrub the urushiol oil off your skin before you develop the poison ivy rash. Chuck is not talking about using mineral spirits to treat the rash.

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