[AT] Some background to your tire/ rim issue.
Indiana Robinson
robinson46176 at gmail.com
Wed Jan 9 13:00:59 PST 2019
We have a lot of whitetail deer here but have never hit one. With this
Chrysler T&C it may be the really loud serpentine belt. I bought a new belt
for it but it is still loud. I guess I am going to have to install the new
one... :-)
One of Diana's nephews hit a big deer with his Harley, came right up over
the handle bars. Didn't hurt him too bad, just lucky.
On Wed, Jan 9, 2019 at 3:32 PM Kenneth Gene Waugh <kgwaugh0943 at gmail.com>
> Years ago I hit an elk with Chevy Chevette (I said it was years ago!) up
> in the Arizona White Mountains one bright moonlit October night. Totaled
> the car, but I got about 300 pounds of dressed meat out of the deal!
> Gene
> Elgin, Illinois
> On Wed, Jan 9, 2019 at 9:59 AM Gunnells, Brad R <brad-gunnells at uiowa.edu>
> wrote:
>> Well looks like I live in #5 state. Seeing Steve O. post takes me back to
>> when I was 16. Just a few days after my 16th birthday I was riding home
>> from work about 10:30 at night. Had one of those b*stard deer jump out in
>> front of me while going 50-55 on a motorcycle. Last thing I remember is
>> seeing the headlight beam focused on a brown patch of hide. Thankfully I
>> was wearing a helmet as it wore through the outer layers just above the
>> forehead as I slid along the ground. Outside of a broken finger and ripping
>> off the fingernail, I had a good chunk of knee ground up. I recalled seeing
>> a light on at a nearby house when I passed (it was dark as I walked back).
>> I knocked on the door and they called my parents to pick me up. I still
>> vividly recall Big Bertha the nurse with her scrub brush cleaning the
>> gravel (they’d just put down fresh oil with gravel on top in that section
>> of road) out of my wounds. That was the worst part of the whole ordeal. The
>> deputy sheriff that came to the ER to write the report had to come back to
>> verify my license a second time as the computer still had me having a
>> learners permit (and no motorcycle endorsement).
>> A couple days later I was buying parts to fix my bike back up and as soon
>> as my hand was strong enough to pull the clutch I was back riding again.
>> But that incident (and a few more with cars) has always made me leery when
>> driving at night in the country.
>> 15ish years ago I planted 30+ trees on my property around the house. I
>> spent more $$ on fencing to keep those big rodents from tearing the trees
>> up than I did on the trees themselves. Today they are looking very good.
>> Brad in corn fed deer haven. (Iowa)
>> *From: *AT <at-bounces at lists.antique-tractor.com> on behalf of Stephen
>> Offiler <soffiler at gmail.com>
>> *Reply-To: *Antique group <at at lists.antique-tractor.com>
>> *Date: *Wednesday, January 9, 2019 at 9:02 AM
>> *To: *Antique group <at at lists.antique-tractor.com>
>> *Subject: *Re: [AT] Some background to your tire/ rim issue.
>> Sorry to hear about the deer strike, Spencer. I've got two myself. I'm
>> on the CT/RI border, and according to published statistics, these states
>> are quite low on the list. CT is #37 with a likelihood of collision at 1
>> in 263; RI is #45 with a likelihood at 1 in 538. What's really going on is
>> that there are pockets with very high deer density, but for statewide
>> statistics, those pockets get washed out by larger pockets of low deer
>> density (more urban). Most of my life is spent in the high-density
>> pockets. I'm always on the lookout and I see deer typically 2-3 times per
>> week.
>> https://www.carinsurance.com/Articles/odds-of-hitting-deer.aspx
>> My first deer strike was about 3 years ago, on my motorcycle. This one
>> happened mid-day. The deer came at me diagonally from the left, beyond my
>> peripheral vision, and in leaping across the road, struck the engine in
>> midair, right in front of my leg. I was nudged off the road onto the
>> shoulder but I kept the bike upright and rode it out. Zero damage save for
>> picking a few deer hairs out of nooks and crannies. It was a fairly small
>> animal, perhaps 100lb. Would have been ugly if it hit the front wheel, a
>> guaranteed crash; and would have been painful if it hit my leg.
>> Second deer strike, a year ago, in the car. After dark, around
>> dinnertime. Similar approach, from the left, out of my peripheral vision.
>> I was moving at about 55mph, the posted limit. Forced to run low beams
>> because there was a car not far in front of me. This hit was almost
>> dead-center on the front end. This was a larger animal. Took out the
>> hood, grille, bumper, radiator, AC condenser, one headlight (I think they
>> replaced both), and required minor body work on both front fenders.
>> Something like $8K-10K in damage (I saw only the initial estimate). Not
>> sure why but that one rattled me worse than the strike on the motorcycle.
>> I felt anxious for about 2-3 days afterward.
>> SO
>> On Wed, Jan 9, 2019 at 9:18 AM Spencer Yost <spencer at rdfarms.com> wrote:
>> I’ve had two strikes. First time the deer hit us in the drivers window(I
>> will be frank with you. I was driving and that scared the crap out of me:
>> no warning and suddenly a deer face in your peripheral vision and a loud
>> noise at 55 mph). Limited damage. Again, this time, the deer hit us as
>> much as we hit him. The front left quarter panel and the extreme left
>> corner of the front bumper was damaged. Unfortunately it all got pushed
>> into the tire, so it really wasn’t drivable, plus it busted out some
>> lights.
>> In both cases I feel like a warning might’ve stopped them dead in her
>> tracks because they were both hauling $%# and came out of nowhere. So I’m
>> going to give those a try. If I hit any more deer the state is going to
>> make me get a vehicular hunting license :-)
>> Spencer Yost
>> On Jan 9, 2019, at 8:58 AM, Cecil Bearden <crbearden at copper.net> wrote:
>> Spencer:
>> We have deer as thick as ticks on a country dog here. Knock on Wood,
>> we have had may near misses, but our vehicles have those "Deer Whistles"on
>> the bumpers. We get them at Wal Mart, they look like little horns that
>> stick on the front bumper. About $3 for a set. So far, in 25 years we
>> have not hit one. Saying that, probably jinxed my luck......
>> here they are on Amazon....
>> https://www.amazon.com/Bell-Automotive-22-1-01000-8-Black-Warning/dp/B000CC4O58/ref=pd_lpo_vtph_263_bs_tr_t_1?_encoding=UTF8&psc=1&refRID=H023FJ2DS1C4FVJ6DB31
>> Cecil
>> On 1/8/2019 10:27 PM, Spencer Yost wrote:
>> Thanks Joe!
>> I did get the wheel off the hub tonight. It did require the use of my
>> Harbor Freight “porta -a-power”(small hydraulic ram). That wheel was
>> rusted pretty tight against the hub. I did not have much trouble with the
>> lug nuts. But I had been soaking them with penetrant. They came out pretty
>> well. Now if I could only find the right size taps and dies to chase out
>> and clean the bolts and hub I’d be good. :-). I won’t know where any of
>> this stuff goes. I could have sworn I knew right where they were....
>> A deer decided to jump out in front of us Sunday night, so my wife’s
>> vehicle is in the body shop. Which means she is using my truck (yes I
>> somehow overlooked/forgot the rental car rider for the insurance policy).
>> Hopefully I can get to the tire shop on Thursday at lunch when she doesn’t
>> need to use the truck to get the tire switched between the wheel that is
>> bad, and the new wheel. Should be done by next week.
>> Spencer Yost
>> On Jan 8, 2019, at 10:00 PM, "joehardy at epix.net" <joehardy at epix.net>
>> wrote:
>> Spencer, for some long period of time the 430V always parked outside with
>> little covering of any kind. When I first visited the farm, I immediately
>> went to Harbor Freight and bought a large silver tarp and totally covered
>> it. That rim and tire on that tractor that were deteriorated faced to the
>> North under some shade trees. The tire was flat. I took over my generator
>> and air compressor and pumped up the tire. That is probably why the
>> tires/rim on other side faced South and was in the sun. You made both June
>> and I very happy to read all the TLC you've done to that special tractor.
>> You truly have something to be proud of for a long time! Joe Hardisky Ryman
>> Farm, Dallas, PA
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> --
> Gene
> Kenneth Gene Waugh
> Elgin, Illinois
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Francis Robinson
aka "farmer"
Central Indiana USA
robinson46176 at gmail.com
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