[AT] [External] OT - oil stop leak
Spencer Yost
spencer at rdfarms.com
Fri Feb 15 08:11:27 PST 2019
This actually brings me to a tractor question:
My Pacer now leaks oil from both the front and rear seals. These are the old school tar rope type seals. I was really careful 20+ years when I was installing them: fraying the ends a bit so the ends seal, using a wooden dowel to shape them just right, etc. I’ve always hated these things as they are nowhere near as reliable as modern seals.
Are there any more modern, more reliable, substitutes for that old tar rope? I doubt I will ever get around to splitting the Pacer and taking care of this, but I was wondering what the state of the art is these days when it comes to these old tar rope seals.
Spencer Yost
> On Feb 15, 2019, at 9:45 AM, Gunnells, Brad R <brad-gunnells at uiowa.edu> wrote:
> Mike, you might want to take your question and run it by www.toyotanation.com and post it under the 5th/6th gen Camry forum. It's a pretty active group and could possibly provide some insight.
> Not to say a rear main can't leak at 165K but in today's world of engines and technology it's not as common as it might have been 30-40 years ago. You don't mention if you have the I4 or V6 in that car. I assume you're seeing the oil weep out of the bellhousing cover between the block flange and trans. bellhousing? Is it possible it could be coming from other areas? That's why I suggested TN as another opinion.
> Brad
> On 2/14/19, 10:46 PM, "AT on behalf of Mike M" <at-bounces at lists.antique-tractor.com on behalf of meulenms at gmx.com> wrote:
> Hi, all, my wife has a 2010 Camry with 165,000 miles, it runs and drives
> like new. I noticed some oil puddles on the garage floor and when i
> crawled under it, it looked like it was coming from the transmission.
> Took it to the shop and they diagnosed as a leaking rear engine seal.
> Cost to fix it, $1600, they need to drop the engine and transmission.
> $140 is parts and the rest is labor. I'm not a big fan of stop leak
> products, but in this case, she can park on a piece of OSB to soak up
> the oil and Ill just have to check it more often. Has any one here have
> any experience with the stop leak products on the market? I really don't
> have much to lose.
> Thanks, Mike M
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