[AT] OT two university STEM majors to avoid
James Peck
jamesgpeck at hotmail.com
Sat Aug 31 08:26:23 PDT 2019
My elementary through high school instrumental music teacher was quite a remarkable man. He could pick up any band instrument and get a good sound out of it. I suspect that most of the university music graduates with jobs are working in music education. The school system I went to was a low buck operation. That teacher moonlighted as a clarinetist in a regional theatrical performance venue. From what I have seen, a person has no business studying music at the university level unless they are really good to begin with.
[Stephen Offiler[ A music major working in a music store seems like a wise career move to me. Who does he meet all day every day? Musicians. Talk about networking.
[James Peck] I had an occasion to return a rented musical instrument to a music store several years ago which included an inspection of the instrument. Based on the twentyish appearance of the store manager, I asked him if he were a Music major. He said yes. That is apparently another academic field where supply and demand are out of balance. Yet, I would bet the university from which the music major graduated counts him as having a job in the field of music.
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