[AT] A new one

Jim Becker mr.jebecker at gmail.com
Mon Aug 12 06:30:07 PDT 2019

That is a nice video.  Early on, he says a 60 degree slope.  My thought was, yeah it is steep, but not that steep.  Later on, he says 60 percent.  That looks about right.  The text at your second pointer repeats the 60 degree probable error.  Back when that vineyard was planted, mechanization of vineyards was pretty limited and that slope probably wasn’t the challenge it is now.  A lot of European vineyards are planted on slopes.   To a Tuscan immigrant, it may have not looked as bad as it does to the younger generations.

Jim Becker

From: Richard Walker 
Sent: Monday, August 12, 2019 12:44 AM
To: at at lists.antique-tractor.com ; bradloomis at charter.net 
Subject: Re: [AT] A new one

Some steep vineyard disking on Martinelli Vineyards Jackass Hill using a JD 420 crawler, akin to a 40C.

"This rugged section of the ranch is referred to by the Martinelli family as "Jackass Hill", because only a jackass would farm a hill that steep. Jackass Hill is the steepest non-terraced hillside vineyard in Sonoma County".

Note at 2:00 minutes in when an "oops" downhill slide wipes out several 100-year-old vines.  



My guess is that today's normal cultivation on Jackass Hill now employs different equipment than a restored 420 JD crawler pulling an old offset disk.  But for a professionally produced video documentary, it's cool to see the old stuff brought back in action as it was two generations ago. 


I talked with my friend again about the Antonio Carraros. They purchased two. $140K so whoever it was that guessed 150 wasn't that far off. For use in the hilliest of their vineyards near Calistoga, CA. Apparently barely passable if wet. The one thing she did say after driving one is that it's pretty cramped. Tough for a fat old guy like me. Guess they wouldn't go for a couple of 40C or the like. 

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