[AT] AT Digest, Vol 2, Issue 7

STEVE ALLEN steveallen855 at centurytel.net
Tue Mar 13 13:26:12 PDT 2018


Are you sure that it was antifreeze?

I can't say about the 4020, but my old A & B, need to have a little water drained from the crankcase and transmission every year, and it isn't coming from the cooling system.  It isn't nearly as much since I have put them under roof, but they still manage to collect a small amount even so.


The "original" Steve Allen

----- Original Message -----

Message: 1
Date: Mon, 12 Mar 2018 18:42:35 -0400
From: John Hall <jtchall at nc.rr.com>

Haven't seen anything from ATIS in days. So here is a little something 
for you guys to ponder. Spring is upon us and needed to get the 4020 
Deere diesel serviced. I pulled the drain plug slowly and noticed 
antifreeze coming out instead of oil. I caught about 4-6 oz of 
antifreeze before it switched over to all oil. Pulled the pan and 
pressurized the coolant system. Number 6 has oil coming between the 
piston and sleeve--out side of sleeve looks dry (makes me think the 
orings on sleeves are OK). I have not had the engine hot and antifreeze 
is adequate, so I have no reason to suspect a crack. I really don't have 
time to do an in frame rebuild right now, just considering a head gasket 
replacement--should face head as soon as I can find someone who can. 
Supposedly this engine has weep holes in the side of the block, but I 
haven't found them.  the block is a replacement from 79 or the very 
early 80's. I am not ruling out a in-fram rebuild, would just like to 
wait until next winter if I can.

Your thoughts?

John Hall

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