[AT] Quiet

Dennis Johnson moscowengnr at outlook.com
Tue Feb 13 15:44:20 PST 2018

Been able to do a little tractor work, or rather work on tractor.
Finally got my Bolen’s 1502 running after replacing battery, and got it delivered to my neighbor in Oklahoma. Hope he will get some good use out of it.
Have been working on my IHC 2504. While back I was clearing brush and some dead trees, and looks like a branch pushed in on the fan and drove the fan blade into the radiator core. Removed stuff, straightened fan, and decided on a new replacement because it was $10 less then recording the old one. (Poor choice)
The new radiator had different size bottom mounting bolts, so another run to hardware store. The new radiator had the side nuts on the frame located slightly off. I drilled out sheet metal and bracket holes 1/16, but was not able to match. Drilled again to 1/8 over, and again holes would not match. Took hand grinder to slotted holes in 1 bracket and finally got bolt to go though all 4 holes and thread in. Had to retap a few bracket nuts where bolts had snapped trying to remove them due to rust. Bottom bolt holes for fan shroud were no where close to holes in shroud, so I thought I would try with just t bolts.
Put in coolant in, and started the tractor. Found that the fan was hitting the bottom of the shroud. Did slight adjustment with hammer and bar, but still need to fix better.
Decided to install hood, and found that top of radiator was about 1/2” back from matching sheet metal holes. Looked at trying to punch radiator forward, and found that the fill cap was about 1”farther forward than the old radiator, so now I need to do some more body work to fix that.
All in all very frustrating, especially when trying to fix in Oklahoma in am unheated shop.
Few other distractions is that I did get Hardie siding on my Oklahoma cabin this last trip. Trying to start a new company which required a few trips and time to get paperwork done. Next week my wife gets knee replaced, so I will be in Houston area for a while.
Maybe I can get points changed in my JD B mag and get it to spark and run.


Sent from my iPad

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