[AT] Sawing Wood

charlie hill charliehill at embarqmail.com
Sun Feb 25 09:25:04 PST 2018

My grandfather had one with a tilting table.  Kind of a rocking, V shaped 
He lived 125 miles from us so I didn't get down there that much but I do 
seeing them use it once. He ran it behind an H Farmall.   I was scared of 
that thing.
Not because of the condition of it or the way they were using it but I've 
always been
a bit on the clumsy side and I figured I could find a way to fall into it at 
any time.
I was probably about 9 years old or so.


-----Original Message----- 
From: Ralph Goff
Sent: Wednesday, February 21, 2018 9:16 AM
To: at at lists.antique-tractor.com
Subject: Re: [AT] Sawing Wood

On 2/21/2018 1:33 AM, John Maddock wrote:
> Hmm..
> No sliding table on the bench?
> And the saw appears to be running in the reverse direction to the way we
> run docking saws.
Glad to see this one made it to the list. No, I have heard of tilting
table/benches on some saws but never seen one in use here.
This is the same type saw that has always been used for this purpose.
Not sure what a docking saw is but there is really only one direction
that this one would work for our purposes. The teeth are
coming down on the log to cut through, using the saw frame as backing to
hold the log in place.

Ralph in Sask.

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