[AT] Batteries — 6 Volt now generators
charlie hill
charliehill at embarqmail.com
Wed Sep 20 11:46:06 PDT 2017
Tyler, in the past I have had an issue with batteries only taking
what has been described as a "surface charge". The charger will
charge them up to full charge and switch off but the first time there
is a load applied to the battery the voltage drops way off and often
won't start the engine a second time. Sounds like that might be
what you are dealing with. The way to find out is to charge it up
and load test it. Autoparts stores have a load meter for that purpose.
This is a few days late. Hopefully you've already found the solution.
-----Original Message-----
From: Tyler Juranek
Sent: Sunday, September 17, 2017 8:50 PM
To: Antique tractor email discussion group
Subject: Re: [AT] Batteries — 6 Volt now generators
Hi Paul and All,
The neighbor guy came over today and we did some work. The ground is
fine and cables are all secure.
We did put a volt meeter on it, to see what the battery had.
With the engine off, it read somewhere around 13 volts, but I'd just
taken the trickle off.
Anyway, when I started it, it immediately dropped to 12.6 volts.
The gauge continued to put out 8 amps.
So, our thinking is that the battery isn't holding the charge that
the generator is putting out very well anymore. Thus, in the end,
resulting in a dead battery.
If the battery was holding the charge, it'd be about 13.8 volts or
so, constantly, right?
If my prediction is correct, then it'll need a new battery.
Is this a fair assumption?
Also, when the battery is changed, does the magnetic field stay?
Or does the generator need to be polarized?
On 9/17/17, Paul L Waugh <paul at plwaugh.com> wrote:
> Check the ground, check the ground as Farmer would say.
> Paul - IN
> On 9/17/2017 5:06 PM, k7jdj at aol.com wrote:
>> Tyler,
>> check the battery voltage when it won't crank. Sounds like you have a
>> different issue than the generator. When battery is charging voltage
>> should be around 14 volts. (13.5-14.2) If it is possible to load test
>> the
>> battery that would be good also. You may have a bad cell in the battery.
>> Lots of things to check and I'm sure other will have many suggestions.
>> Gary
>> Renton, WA
>> -----Original Message-----
>> From: Tyler Juranek <tylerpolkaman at gmail.com>
>> To: Antique tractor email discussion group <at at lists.antique-tractor.com>
>> Sent: Sun, Sep 17, 2017 8:56 am
>> Subject: Re: [AT] Batteries — 6 Volt now generators
>> Hi all, While we are on the subject of batteries, I wanted to bring
>> thegenerator into the discussion. Last year (2016) when I had a ton of
>> work done on the Oliver, we hadto do some work to the charging system.
>> Being the detail person I am, I chose to put a new 12 volt generatoron
>> instead of putting it to an alternator. Ever since, I have had no real
>> issues with it. But since last weekend, just before we took it to a
>> tractor show, Iwent to start it, and, "crap, it's dead!" I ran it about 2
>> miles down the road that morning, but maybe for onlyabout 9 or so
>> minutes.
>> I thought, "Well maybe I didn't run it long enough." So we gave it afast
>> charge on the battery charger, loaded it up, and took it there. When I
>> unloaded it, I made sure it ran for at least a half hour, as Idrove it
>> around on the grounds. Since the parade was longer at the show this year,
>> it ran for quitesometime there also. Had no problems starting it either
>> day. Broughtit home, and still had no issues. Monday night I cleaned the
>> plugs in it, and put it back together. Istarted it and let it run for
>> about 3 minutes. But here we go again... Friday night I took it for quite
>> a drive. It started just fine, and Iran it for at least 20 minutes, maybe
>> 25. Since my dad was unloading a few pieces of machinery, I wanted towait
>> and put it away until after he was done with the skidloader. So Iparked
>> it
>> by the shed, and shut it off. At the time, the amp gaugesaid 8 amps.
>> Sometimes it does 10 at low idle, but then it seems whenthe battery gets
>> full it backs off to 8. Anyway, when it was time to put it in the shed, I
>> go to start it,and, low and behold, it's dead. Sometimes, when it doesn't
>> want to go immediately, I turn theignition switch off, wait about 10
>> secconds, turn it back on, hit thestarter button, and away it goes.
>> Woops,
>> not that time around. So we put it on the fast charger forabout 2
>> minutes,
>> and then I tried it again. Fired up right away. So when I got to the
>> shed,
>> we put the trickle on it. So I'm wondering, what could it be? The battery
>> isn't that old. I've driven it on 40 mile trips before,and have had no
>> problems. I know that it could be the brushes, butthat generator hasn't
>> had maybe 150 hours on it. My neighbor has a volt meeter he's going to
>> let
>> me use to put on thebattery. What should the readings be if the generator
>> is charging? Will starting it with the volt meeter be a valid test since
>> its beenon the trickle charger? Any help is greatly appreciated!Thanks
>> much!Take Care, Tyler Juranek IAOn 9/16/17, deanvp <deanvp at att.net>
>> wrote:> Mike, I own several of the HF battery tenders we high I recall
>> paying less> than $10 for. I was happy until one of them failed and
>> melted
>> down the> plastic on the lump. I became Really leary of using any of the
>> rest because> of that failure. So I have used the remaining ones very
>> carefully when I can> watch them daily. None of the rest have failed. I
>> now use one on my 2003> F250 7.3L Diesel truck for over 5 months a year
>> unattended while we are in> AZ. The truck stays out side while we are
>> gone
>> so worst case only the truck> will burn up. Last fall one of the two
>> batteries in it started getting week.> I didn't want to buy two new
>> batteries then so the HF tender had to only> hold the charge but also
>> keep
>> the weaker battery charged as well. After 5> months the truck started
>> right up so the HF tender did it's job. So I guess> I can give them a 3
>> out of 4 star rating because 1 of 4 failed.>>> -------- Original message
>> --------From: Mike M <meulenms at gmx.com> Date:> 9/16/17 1:43 PM
>> (GMT-08:00) To: Antique tractor email discussion group>
>> <at at lists.antique-tractor.com> Subject: Re: [AT] Batteries - 6 Volt>
>> LeRoy,> I bought a battery off Ebay for my 4 wheeler and it's still
>> working> fine. I believe it came dry. I have battery tenders on all my
>> stuff,> with the price of batteries and the inconvenience of a dead one,
>> it's> cheap insurance. I bought mine at Wally World for about $23 a few
>> years> ago. Harbor freight has one that runs about $10, I have no
>> experience> with that one, others may.>> Mike M>>> On 9/16/2017 8:31 AM,
>> LeRoy wrote:>> All.>>>> I had a few batteries stored in my garage that I
>> have been using for my>> tractors which are outside under tarps. I went
>> to charge them in order to>> start the tractors and 2 of them register
>> check battery on the charger.>> This seems to me that the batteries are
>> no
>> good and basically can't be>> charged. Unfortunately I didn't have
>> tenders on these. They are about 4>> or 5 years old which seems a little
>> odd both would be bad.>>>> Anyway, wonder what the groups thoughts are
>> with batteries like 1) proper>> storage, 2) maximum battery life
>> expected,
>> 3) best prices to get>> replacements, best places to go to find
>> batteries
>> other than NAPA and 5)>> will a tender help in this situation?>>>>
>> LeRoy.>>>>>> _______________________________________________>> AT mailing
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