[AT] Batteries — 6 Volt now generators
Paul L Waugh
paul at plwaugh.com
Sun Sep 17 16:50:45 PDT 2017
Check the ground, check the ground as Farmer would say.
Paul - IN
On 9/17/2017 5:06 PM, k7jdj at aol.com wrote:
> Tyler,
> check the battery voltage when it won't crank. Sounds like you have a different issue than the generator. When battery is charging voltage should be around 14 volts. (13.5-14.2) If it is possible to load test the battery that would be good also. You may have a bad cell in the battery. Lots of things to check and I'm sure other will have many suggestions.
> Gary
> Renton, WA
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Tyler Juranek <tylerpolkaman at gmail.com>
> To: Antique tractor email discussion group <at at lists.antique-tractor.com>
> Sent: Sun, Sep 17, 2017 8:56 am
> Subject: Re: [AT] Batteries — 6 Volt now generators
> Hi all, While we are on the subject of batteries, I wanted to bring thegenerator into the discussion. Last year (2016) when I had a ton of work done on the Oliver, we hadto do some work to the charging system. Being the detail person I am, I chose to put a new 12 volt generatoron instead of putting it to an alternator. Ever since, I have had no real issues with it. But since last weekend, just before we took it to a tractor show, Iwent to start it, and, "crap, it's dead!" I ran it about 2 miles down the road that morning, but maybe for onlyabout 9 or so minutes. I thought, "Well maybe I didn't run it long enough." So we gave it afast charge on the battery charger, loaded it up, and took it there. When I unloaded it, I made sure it ran for at least a half hour, as Idrove it around on the grounds. Since the parade was longer at the show this year, it ran for quitesometime there also. Had no problems starting it either day. Broughtit home, and still had no issues. Monday night I cleaned the plugs in it, and put it back together. Istarted it and let it run for about 3 minutes. But here we go again... Friday night I took it for quite a drive. It started just fine, and Iran it for at least 20 minutes, maybe 25. Since my dad was unloading a few pieces of machinery, I wanted towait and put it away until after he was done with the skidloader. So Iparked it by the shed, and shut it off. At the time, the amp gaugesaid 8 amps. Sometimes it does 10 at low idle, but then it seems whenthe battery gets full it backs off to 8. Anyway, when it was time to put it in the shed, I go to start it,and, low and behold, it's dead. Sometimes, when it doesn't want to go immediately, I turn theignition switch off, wait about 10 secconds, turn it back on, hit thestarter button, and away it goes. Woops, not that time around. So we put it on the fast charger forabout 2 minutes, and then I tried it again. Fired up right away. So when I got to the shed, we put the trickle on it. So I'm wondering, what could it be? The battery isn't that old. I've driven it on 40 mile trips before,and have had no problems. I know that it could be the brushes, butthat generator hasn't had maybe 150 hours on it. My neighbor has a volt meeter he's going to let me use to put on thebattery. What should the readings be if the generator is charging? Will starting it with the volt meeter be a valid test since its beenon the trickle charger? Any help is greatly appreciated!Thanks much!Take Care, Tyler Juranek IAOn 9/16/17, deanvp <deanvp at att.net> wrote:> Mike, I own several of the HF battery tenders we high I recall paying less> than $10 for. I was happy until one of them failed and melted down the> plastic on the lump. I became Really leary of using any of the rest because> of that failure. So I have used the remaining ones very carefully when I can> watch them daily. None of the rest have failed. I now use one on my 2003> F250 7.3L Diesel truck for over 5 months a year unattended while we are in> AZ. The truck stays out side while we are gone so worst case only the truck> will burn up. Last fall one of the two batteries in it started getting week.> I didn't want to buy two new batteries then so the HF tender had to only> hold the charge but also keep the weaker battery charged as well. After 5> months the truck started right up so the HF tender did it's job. So I guess> I can give them a 3 out of 4 star rating because 1 of 4 failed.>>> -------- Original message --------From: Mike M <meulenms at gmx.com> Date:> 9/16/17 1:43 PM (GMT-08:00) To: Antique tractor email discussion group> <at at lists.antique-tractor.com> Subject: Re: [AT] Batteries - 6 Volt> LeRoy,> I bought a battery off Ebay for my 4 wheeler and it's still working> fine. I believe it came dry. I have battery tenders on all my stuff,> with the price of batteries and the inconvenience of a dead one, it's> cheap insurance. I bought mine at Wally World for about $23 a few years> ago. Harbor freight has one that runs about $10, I have no experience> with that one, others may.>> Mike M>>> On 9/16/2017 8:31 AM, LeRoy wrote:>> All.>>>> I had a few batteries stored in my garage that I have been using for my>> tractors which are outside under tarps. I went to charge them in order to>> start the tractors and 2 of them register check battery on the charger.>> This seems to me that the batteries are no good and basically can't be>> charged. Unfortunately I didn't have tenders on these. They are about 4>> or 5 years old which seems a little odd both would be bad.>>>> Anyway, wonder what the groups thoughts are with batteries like 1) proper>> storage, 2) maximum battery life expected, 3) best prices to get>> replacements, best places to go to find batteries other than NAPA and 5)>> will a tender help in this situation?>>>> LeRoy.>>>>>> _______________________________________________>> AT mailing list>> http://www.antique-tractor.com/mailman/listinfo/at>>>>> ---> This email has been checked for viruses by Avast antivirus software.> https://www.avast.com/antivirus>> _______________________________________________> AT mailing list> http://www.antique-tractor.com/mailman/listinfo/at> _______________________________________________> AT mailing list> http://www.antique-tractor.com/mailman/listinfo/at>_______________________________________________AT mailing listhttp://www.antique-tractor.com/mailman/listinfo/at
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