[AT] Thinning the herd
Hercules Engines
kkinney at herculesengines.com
Sun Jul 9 10:56:58 PDT 2017
I've got a Nickels $ Sheppard Red River Special 28X46 on good shape I need to move down the road if you know of anyone looking. Located in SW Indiana.
Keith Kinney
> On Jul 9, 2017, at 11:59 AM, Ralph Goff <alfg at sasktel.net> wrote:
>> On 7/9/2017 9:35 AM, Dean Vinson wrote:
>> John, that's great news about finding a good home for the thresher. I remember your posts from some time back saying how hard it was to find anyone interested at all, even for a thresher in as good a condition as that one.
>> Dean Vinson
> Great to hear the thresher found a new home where it will be
> appreciated. It would be a crime to cut up a good
> and well preserved machine like that for scrap. I've got a couple here
> that sit outside all their lives. I have no plans
> of using or restoring them but they certainly won't go for scrap as long
> as I'm around. I just like the "atmosphere" of
> having them around. Who knows but somebody might want to buy one of them
> to restore some day.
> Ralph in Sask.
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