[AT] slightly off topic, computer related
Cecil Bearden
crbearden at copper.net
Wed Feb 15 03:44:28 PST 2017
I have bought 8GB thumb drives in the shape of a business card imprinted
with my Engineering firm on them for about the same price if I buy 250
at a time. I started sending out my reports on them and it saved me
about $200 per report on printing, and were also great for advertising.
Cecil in OKla
On 2/14/2017 11:24 PM, rlgoss at twc.com wrote:
> FWIW, I buy 4 Gbyte custom-printed thumb drives for $4.50 each in lots of 100. I could get generic thumb drives for a lot less, but they would not have a writable surface on them. They are white on the outside and I write the contents on them with a felt-tipped pen. As our society uses more and more passive electronics: car key fobs, hotel room keys, credit cards, U. S. currency, passports, etc., RF becomes a problem and you need to take the precaution of shielding against either inadvertent or purposeful interference or hacking. You can have your credit card information stolen without your knowledge by simply walking up to the lunch counter at McDonalds. It doesn't take much to protect those items. You can buy the RF-shielding carriers in travel stores, or you can just wrap it in a single thickness of aluminum foil.
> Larry
> ---- charlie hill <charliehill at embarqmail.com> wrote:
>> Thanks Larry, that’s a good option.
> I was listening to Kim Komando the other day and she
> advised someone looking to buy an new laptop to look for
> machines that have, hmmm what's the term, drives that
> are not mechanical. Apparently that is the trend now. I've seen
> some and will look for that option in my next computer. Thumb drives
> are cheap enough now to make your suggestion a good option.
> -----Original Message-----
> From: rlgoss at twc.com
> Sent: Monday, February 13, 2017 9:08 PM
> To: Antique tractor email discussion group
> Subject: Re: [AT] slightly off topic, computer related
> For digital archiving purposes, I would suggest that you look for a storage
> system that has no moving parts, will store material in formats that do not
> require a separate program to function, require no subscriptions or
> memberships for its use, and is easily distributed geographically. That
> rules out things like Cubby, Dropbox, The Cloud, and most external hard
> drives, but makes things like a thumb drive look very attractive. I have
> been putting all of my tractor literature out in this form for several
> years. It now is nearly 3 Gigabyes for the whole collection, and there are
> over 500 copies of all of it distributed around the world. I figure it is
> the most economical form of insurance one could possibly have against a
> catastrophic natural disaster such as fire, flood, or windstorm. All of it
> is in PDF, and all of it can be used on any computer, smart phone, Android,
> or E-reader.
> Larry
> ---- Cecil Bearden <crbearden at copper.net> wrote:
>> I bought a 3TB external drive for about $125 from Best buy with backup
>> software. I also suscribed to Carbonite for less than $100 /yr to back
>> everything up to the cloud. I am hoping it works in case I have to go
>> thru any catastrophes again.
>> Cecil in OKla
>> On 2/13/2017 4:45 PM, charlie hill wrote:
>>> I don't want to loose all of my tractor information and
>>> years worth of ATIS e-mails, etc. My computer is getting long
>>> in the tooth and will soon need to be replaced but the main problem
>>> with it right now is there is just too much stuff stored on it.
>>> I have a 1.5 TB external drive that I'm currently only using for backup.
>>> I'd like to partition that drive so that I can still back up to it but
>>> also
>>> create a file location for photos and archived e-mails, etc. I'd also
>>> like to set the computer up to dual boot from either drive. I'm trying
>>> to
>>> prepare for the certainty that this machine is going to crash relatively
>>> soon.
>>> If I can get all of that done I can accomplish a couple of things.
>>> 1, I can then clean up the drive on the computer and see if that helps
>>> the
>>> problem.
>>> 2, I won't have to worry about loosing data when it crashes.
>>> The problem is that ever since about windows XL I haven't known how to
>>> do
>>> any of this stuff.
>>> This machine is running Windows 10 and it's really ill prepared for it.
>>> Does anyone know of a utility, preferably free, that will help me do all
>>> this stuff?
>>> I have literally 20 years worth of book marks carefully sorted into
>>> files by
>>> subject and I would
>>> surely hate to loose all of that not to mention the pictures that can
>>> never
>>> be replaced.
>>> I'm not sure I am willing to slog through the process myself without the
>>> help of some sort of
>>> utility. Even if I knew how.
>>> Thanks
>>> Charlie
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