[AT] On the shoulders of giants
Indiana Robinson
robinson46176 at gmail.com
Sun Feb 12 05:52:19 PST 2017
I was 12 in the picture below and by then I had a lot of experience setting
up either the MM hammer mill or the Harvey corn sheller. We all worked all
of the time but grinding feed and shelling corn was my responsibility. In
hay season my job was setting up the AC hay blower and running and
unloading the wagons for dry chop hay. At corn harvest my job was setting
up the 48' Myer elevator, running and unloading wagons. The same with wheat
and oats.
We were farming 220 acres with a dairy herd of usually 45 cows being milked
(my mother managed the dairy operation and did about all of the milking). A
small 30 head beef herd and what worked up to a 60 sow hog operation.
During all of the other jobs feed grinding still had to be done. Critters
don't stop eating just because you get busy at something else. :-)
Then in later years there was almost constant sorting and weighing of hogs
and all of the related shots, rings, castrating etc. etc. etc...
Like a lot of farms, about all we ever did was work...
On Sat, Feb 11, 2017 at 9:59 PM, Darrell Ratliff <dbigdog at columbus.rr.com>
> Spencer – truer words have not been spoken..........
> From: Spencer Yost
> Sent: Saturday, February 11, 2017 9:05 PM
> To: at at lists.antique-tractor.com
> Subject: [AT] On the shoulders of giants
> I keep this gas can in my tractor shop, to remind me of all of the
> hundreds of times I mowed the yard at our family's home while growing up.
> We moved to a new house when I was 9 1/2 years old, and it was them my dad
> gave me a little bit of training and said "this is your job from now on". I
> don't think I ever saw him mow the yard after that unless I was out of town
> or deathly sick. When mom died I put a price tag on the can during the
> estate sale but nobody bought it. So I decided to take it home just to
> remember all the times I mowed the yard. I must admit I know every
> scratch, dent, and word printed on it. I know how it pours and how the
> handle the feels.
> How sanctimonious of me.
> While looking at it tonight I realized that until I was 14 or 15 I don't
> ever remember changing oil or sharpening in the blades on the mower. I
> don't ever remember buying the mower nor ever filling the can up with gas.
> Dad just made that all happen without me even realizing.
> "We rest in the shoulders of giants: not knowing whether our ride comes
> from".
> ------------------------------------------------------------
> --------------------
> Spencer Yost
> ------------------------------------------------------------
> --------------------
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Francis Robinson
aka "farmer"
Central Indiana USA
robinson46176 at gmail.com
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