[AT] Farm flooding update California - new info
Cecil Bearden
crbearden at copper.net
Wed Feb 8 15:37:04 PST 2017
That is an excellent price. My 40ft came from Ft. Worth
On 2/8/2017 8:11 AM, Dennis Johnson wrote:
> Ken
> Friend of mine is doing house remodel. Ne got a 20 foot unit delivered to his house for about $1450. This was SW of Houston
> Dennis
> Sent from my iPad
>> On Feb 8, 2017, at 7:58 AM, Ken Knierim <ken.knierim at gmail.com> wrote:
>> Cecil, others,
>> What's the going rate for storage containers in your neighborhood these
>> days? Would like to price a 20 footer (did they may a 30 footer?)
>> Thanks
>> Ken in AZ
>>> On Wed, Feb 8, 2017 at 6:20 AM, Cecil Bearden <crbearden at copper.net> wrote:
>>> Spencer:
>>> My apologies... I guess I am getting paranoid in my old age. Spending
>>> 30 years as the only guy from the farm in a staff of 85 city raised
>>> government bureaucrats just jaded my thinking. I really enjoy this
>>> list, in fact it is the only one I subscribe to. On a tractor note, I
>>> hope to get the storage containers set next week so I can clean all the
>>> spare parts out of the shop and get the Belarus in to install a new clutch.
>>> I will have to be careful in the future with my off topic posts, I might
>>> get called Walt.....
>>> Cecil in OKla
>>>> On 2/8/2017 5:42 AM, Spencer Yost wrote:
>>>> You folks mean a lot to me and I tend to give you a lot of rope when it
>>> comes time to off topic discussions. But it's gotten so it seems like you
>>> guys can't help yourselves. Every on-topic post seems to be a reason to
>>> slide into the abyss of fear and obsession about the government. Please;
>>> one last time: Let's discuss tractors and closely related topics - like
>>> farms flooding as the topic might suggest. I put a lot of time and money
>>> into this and I really don't want to spend either on a government
>>> conspiracy list.
>>>> I think what really concerns me the most is every time I mention this ,
>>> the list gets totally quiet. Like no one actually even really cares about
>>> tractors anymore. Could that possibly be true?
>>>> Spencer Yost
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