[AT] Old tractors and old men (update)

Greg Hass ghass at m3isp.com
Sat Feb 4 21:09:53 PST 2017

It was not my intention to depress anyone with my post but to point out 
what is now my reality in life. Also, I wanted to know how other people 
with similar problems adjust to the changes in life. I appreciate 
everyone who has replied and offered their perspective. Also, it is nice 
to know I am not the Lone Ranger; I guess the old saying misery loves 
company although I don't wish this on anyone. The hardest part is the 
constant pain. Slow would be OK, but slow and painful is no good. For 
years my oldest sister (one year younger) and I have said that we would 
never talk doctors and pills; only hot men and good looking women. That 
worked for  quite a while, however, reality has broken in and talk does 
turn to health problems. Like me she has had a kidney removed (due to a 
mistake in a previous surgery) and she lost her husband to cancer a few 
years ago.
One of my biggest problems right now is, and I think it was Charlie 
mentioned this, is I can't make myself do things. I want to but I just 
can't get started. Our household humidifier needs the motor oiled or 
something, a one or two hour job, yet I have been sitting near it for 
three days,it's in the living room, and can't bring myself to even take 
the back off. Several people have said I should rent out the land but I 
want to work it as long as possible even though renting it would bring 
in just as much money. Its like someone said; once you quite doing 
things pretty soon you wouldn't be able to move and that just brings you 
nearer to the end. I am getting a couple of people to help even though 
we don't always get a lot done because I seem to work better with 
someone around. I'm hoping to do better as the weather gets better in a 
couple of months as the long hours of darkness gets a person down. I 
think I will enjoy tractor shows better now that I have my electric 
buggy to get around better.
The good thing is that so far I wake up with the grass under my feet 
which is good. I would like to get to some welding as I have always 
enjoyed that but some of that has to be done outdoors when it gets 
warmer. I know this post is sort of rambling , but I hope it makes some 
sense. On another subject; I read Grants post and I hope him all the 
best in getting his land back into production.
     Greg Hass

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