[Ford-ferguson] Spark plugs

Dr. Jim Rosen drjrosen at ipa.net
Thu Aug 10 12:16:09 PDT 2017

Any ideas will be appreciated. I have been using Autolite 437 spark 
plugs in my 8N.  For the 2nd time a set of plugs went bad after only a 
few hours use. Tractor wouldn't start. After ruling out other 
possibilities, I changed all 4 plugs and the engine started right up. 
(This time I replaced the plugs with Champion H12.)

Does anyone else have a problem with the Autolite plugs?

And what is it about my 8N that could be causing the plugs to go bad?

Thank you,
Jim Rosen
Signature for email
Dr. Jim Rosen
Clinical Psychologist
Magnet Cove, Arkansas
Ph: 501-623-2050
Email: drjrosen at ipa.net <mailto:drjrosen at ipa.net>

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