[AT] Small Trip

John Hall jtchall at nc.rr.com
Wed Aug 2 18:34:17 PDT 2017

Excellent story Tyler! Happy Birthday to you.

John Hall

On 8/2/2017 12:31 PM, Tyler Juranek wrote:
> Hi all,
> Just thought I would take some time and share this.
> Every year on my birthday since about the time I turned 16, I have
> always made sure that I've taken a tractor ride, a longer trip than I
> usually do when just puttin' around at home.
> About five miles or so away, (that's highway distance), there is a
> small town called McClelland.
> In the town there is a family owned bar/restaurant. This is the kind
> of place that, when you walk in, you get called by first name, the
> workers come and ask how you've been, etc.
> So on the country roads, it is about 12 miles. Each year the tradition
> has been to drive one of my tractors there, park under the tree near
> the bar, and go inside and eat.
> Up until last year I have always gone for lunch. But last year I was
> in massage therapy school, and so I went at supper instead.
> This year, all of my family met me and surprised me for my 21st
> birthday, including my grandfather, the one that gave me the oliver,
> as I drove that tractor there this year.
> I got there just after 6, and made it in just about 30 minutes. For
> some reason, the roads were rougher than a cob this year, not sure
> what the deal was, maybe new gravel or something, so I couldn't go as
> fast as what I wanted to, and, I have to admit, the rear end of the
> man driving was quite sore after the ride was done. :)
> So we all had a wonderful visit. In fact, we were all having such a
> good visit that the sun was starting to set when I headed down
> mainstreet making my way home.
> As I was headed out through the parking lot, one of my grandpas (the
> one who gave me the oliver), was waiting in his truck watching, just
> waiting for me to go by. I waved at him as I drove past, and there sat
> my grandpa, a huge smile on his face.
> It was shortly after 9:00 PM when I pulled into the shed, and when I
> shut it off, you could have heard a pen drop it was that quiet and
> still.
> I am sure that my great grandpa Juranek was looking down on that ride as well.
> I can't wait to do the same thing next year, and someday, maybe pass
> the tradition down to other members of the family.
> Take Care,
> Tyler Juranek
> IA
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