Dennis Johnson
moscowengnr at outlook.com
Mon Apr 24 20:00:23 PDT 2017
I thought the same thing. Having just got one a month or so ago.
Update, I just got 2 replacement rear tires for it. Now need to find a rim for it, but need to disassemble to find if existing rim is 15 x 30 or 16 x 30
Sent from my iPad
> On Apr 24, 2017, at 8:32 PM, Ralph Goff <alfg at sasktel.net> wrote:
>> On 4/24/2017 4:34 PM, Chuck Bealke wrote:
>> David,
>> When I first got this, thought it came
>> from my United Methodist Men's (UMM) group. The next thought was how lucky you were to not have miss-mailed something far worse. Have come SO close to doing that. Even younger men have become famous over just one such lapse.
>> Chuck Bealke
> When I saw the title, "UMM" I thought we were actually going to talk
> about the famous Minneapolis Moline model U tractor. :-)
> Ralph in Sask.
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