[AT] A good tractor weekend
charlie hill
charliehill at embarqmail.com
Sun Apr 16 20:33:33 PDT 2017
Day well spent Henry!
-----Original Message-----
From: Henry Miller
Sent: Sunday, April 16, 2017 10:28 PM
To: at at lists.antique-tractor.com
Subject: [AT] A good tractor weekend
My wife left the kids with me Saturday while she did some girl things.
So I decided to change the oil on my 39 john deere B. You might recall
that last summer I got it, my grandpa winterized it 10 years ago and
died so it had been sitting in the shed. From the transmission I got a
cup of clear (undoubtedly water but I didn't actually check) and then
thinner than it should be oil. Engine was a little better, but still
some water. I filled both with some diesel that had been sitting in a
can (sealed plastic so probably good but I wasn't about to put it in the
truck) rolled it all over by hand a few times and then drained. Neither
was clear so I got some gunk out anyway. Fresh oil, a few shots of
grease... Sounds easy but how do you explain to a 2 years old next week
why you don't put your hands in a bucket of used oil while doing it.
Then fresh gas. It didn't start the first time I rolled it over, but it
tried despite the choke not being set. Once that was fixed the flywheel
jump out of my hands when I barely touched it.
The kids were divided between scared and interested, but I got them to
stay far enough back that I could drive to the hay wagon behind the
house. (a purchase last fall) hooked it up and lifted the kids up and
off for a ride. They had a ball even though I didn't go anywhere.
Last night the garage stunk of spilled diesel, so after church (all day
event) and supper I started it again to clean up the the floor good. As
soon as the kids saw me reach for the flywheel they ran out back to the
hay wagon. I guess I needed an excuse to go for a longer drive. They had
fun again. When it was over I ran out of gas just before the garage. I
hadn't been planning on more than backing out so I didn't fill the tank.
Easily fixed problem. Then scrub the garage floor (epoxy flooring is
great) and put everything away.
No pictures, I was too busy making memories. I hope your weekend was as
Henry Miller
hank at millerfarm.com
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