[AT] Pacer back online
Spencer Yost
yostsw at atis.net
Mon Apr 10 16:35:28 PDT 2017
Ouch! I must admit I almost didn't recognize myself with dark hair :-)
For those who weren't there it was a pretty simple story: we hooked the belt pulley up to the dyno and the operator simply hollered out the results "1-7-3". Everyone in the crowd looks stunned in amazement. Some people tried to insist the dyno operator meant to imply a decimal point, but i don't think so. That's my story and I'm sticking to it.
Spencer Yost
Spencer Yost
> On Apr 10, 2017, at 7:04 PM, Paul L Waugh <paul at plwaugh.com> wrote:
> very true for me, Phil
> Paul
>> On 4/10/2017 4:16 PM, Phil Auten wrote:
>> Not just the operator, Paul. I suspect it's holding it's age better than
>> most of us. :o(
>> Phil in TX
>>>> On 4/10/2017 3:00 PM, Stephen Offiler wrote:
>>>> I stole this picture off Dean Vinson's page...
>>>>> On Mon, Apr 10, 2017 at 1:34 PM, Spencer Yost <yostsw at atis.net> wrote:
>>>>> I must correct you. That was 173HP that day on the dyno
>>>>> Just between us friends I'll admit that kind of power why I took the
>>>>> weights off the rear wheels. The Pacer kept spinning the tires off the
>>>>> rims. (-;
>>>>> Spencer Yost
>>>>>>> On Apr 10, 2017, at 12:18 PM, Indiana Robinson <robinson46176 at gmail.com>
>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>> 143 HP back in action. Those of us that were there that day at Portland
>>>>>> will always remember that cloud of smoke around the dyno as the mighty
>>>>>> Pacer amazed the crowd and the guy signaled 1 - 4 - 3... :-)
>>>>>>> On Apr 10, 2017 9:41 AM, "Spencer Yost" <yostsw at atis.net> wrote:
>>>>>>> Thanks! That is the paint job from my restoration in the mid-1990s. It
>>>>> is
>>>>>>> still actually in very good shape but is very dirty and moldy from
>>>>> sitting
>>>>>>> in the shed. So the paint doesn't look that great in this picture. The
>>>>>>> side shield is not installed either, as I was tapping on the starter to
>>>>>>> get it started :-)
>>>>>>> Spencer Yost
>>>>>>> Spencer Yost
>>>>>>>> On Apr 9, 2017, at 9:57 PM, Paul L Waugh <paul at plwaugh.com> wrote:
>>>>>>>> look good. Is that the original paint??
>>>>>>>> Paul
>>>>>>>>> On 4/9/2017 9:00 PM, Spencer Yost wrote:
>>>>>>>>> After languishing in a shed for 5 years(split rear tire I was too
>>>>> cheap
>>>>>>> to replace till now), the Massey Harris Pacer is back online doing work
>>>>> for
>>>>>>> the farm. It needed a starter button(not sure how that went bad just
>>>>>>> sitting), a tune-up and carb cleaning, but was otherwise fine even tho
>>>>> it
>>>>>>> sat for a long time. But after about an hour the high speed circuit
>>>>>>> plugged up a bit and need a touch of choke at high throttle. So I am
>>>>> going
>>>>>>> to have to go back into the carb. I also had forgotten the starter had
>>>>>>> developed a flat spot and you need a block of wood to use as a hammer
>>>>>>> handy. (-;
>>>>>>>>> Otherwise it took care of business today.
>>>>>>>>> Hope you enjoy the picture.
>>>>>>>>> Spencer Yost
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