[AT] Old combine parts needed

Alan Nadeau ajnadeau1 at myfairpoint.net
Fri Aug 12 12:20:53 PDT 2016

Greg, you might try farmchains.com.  They have a lot of the old style chains 
listed.  As Cecil said, you will probably have to make up what you want from 
stock lengths, maybe even to the extent of welding  in your own paddles.

I have bought "pintle chain" from my local bearing supply house when I 
needed a new drag chain for a salt spreader.  They listed the chain I 
needed, I bought flat stock for the crossbars and made them up in one long 
evening session with the welder, for about 50% of the price from the maker 
of the spreader.

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Greg Hass" <ghass at m3isp.com>
To: <at at lists.antique-tractor.com>
Sent: Friday, August 12, 2016 2:31 PM
Subject: [AT] Old combine parts needed

>I have an old IH model 82 pull type combine. I still use it to harvest
> my 26 acres of black beans. I am in need of the tailings elevator chain
> and paddles plus the top sprocket. I have always been able to get them
> from my local IH dealer (although they usually came from an aftermarket
> company. However the guy that ordered them is off for surgery for who
> knows how long. I asked a couple of other parts guys about it and they
> just stood there with their mouth open. The guy I used to order from
> took it as a challenge to find the parts; the young guys attitude is (
> don't bother me with the older stuff). Does anyone know of a company
> that deals with this stuff? When I ordered the clean grain chain it was
> new but had to be ordered in pieces and I had to assemble it which is no
> problem. On a related subject, my brother needed 2 bearings for a
> machine. They bolt to the side with 4 one half inch bolts and it is a
> inch and a quarter shaft. He priced them at the local IH dealer; generic
> bearings, and they were $75 each. He ordered them on line yesterday for
> $48 with shipping for the both of them saving well over $100. I just
> can't see that difference in price.
>      Greg Hass
>   P.S. We haven't had a good rain in months and I looked at my corn and
> a lot of it doesn't even have a cob so it's a complete loss. Soybeans
> are also starting to dry up and the black beans are unsure. It is
> supposed to rain in the next couple of days but if it doesn't we're in
> big trouble. Problem is, they have been calling for rain for 3 months
> now. Here in Michigan, we have Lake Huron 17 miles from us in 3
> directions and can't get a drop of rain.
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