[AT] Battery Charger recommendations
Mike M
meulenms at gmx.com
Tue Apr 26 10:59:15 PDT 2016
You can still buy high wattage incandescent bulbs, I just ordered some
300 watt bulbs for our barn. The CFL's take too long to warm up and are
dangerous in my opinion, I have witnessed them burning and burning brown
by the base. Not good in a barn with dry wood and hay. I'll eventually
make the transition to LED's but right now I can't find one that is
affordable that will throw the lumens the 300 watt one will. I have
noticed that cost of them is dropping like a stone. They should have
known only early adopters would pay $40 a bulb.
Mike M
On 4/26/2016 1:33 PM, Stephen Offiler wrote:
> I needed to refresh my memory. What I already said, regarding the halogen,
> is solid info; but what I had failed to recall was that there were some
> loopholes built into the legislation. The two best examples are three-way
> bulbs and "rough-service" bulbs - they are still legal. However, a
> straight-up old school 100 watt incandescent is simply not legal, and that
> legislation has phased in restrictions all the way down to 40 watts now.
> SO
> On Tue, Apr 26, 2016 at 11:15 AM, charlie hill <charliehill at embarqmail.com>
> wrote:
>> Steve, I'll look at one, in fact I might buy one just to break it and see
>> but
>> I'm 99% sure what the guy is selling is a Chinese made incandescent bulb.
>> Charlie
>> -----Original Message-----
>> From: Stephen Offiler
>> Sent: Monday, April 25, 2016 4:28 PM
>> To: Antique tractor email discussion group
>> Subject: Re: [AT] Battery Charger recommendations
>> Charlie, just one quick point here. The legislation that "outlawed" 100
>> watt incandescent bulbs was written to specify a minimum efficiency, stated
>> as lumens (light output) per watt of electricity input. They set the
>> number at a point that a normal old incandecent bulb could not achieve.
>> But here's the trick: a *halogen* bulb with a filament operated at a
>> certain elevated temperature is able to hit the efficiency number. If you
>> can look inside those Chinese bulbs you mentioned, I bet you will see one
>> of those long slender halogen bulbs (a smaller version of those 300- and
>> 500-watt halogen floodlight bulbs). But beware; because they have to raise
>> the filament temperature to hit the efficiency number, they have short
>> life.
>> SO
>> On Mon, Apr 25, 2016 at 2:45 PM, charlie hill <charliehill at embarqmail.com>
>> wrote:
>>> I fully agree about the LED bulbs as well as the compact fluorescent.
>>> I don't particularly like either but the LED's are light years (pun
>>> intended)
>>> ahead of the fluorescent. I thought the whole idea of pushing these
>>> alternatives to incandescent bulbs was to "save the planet" by saving
>> some
>>> energy. The incandescent bulbs were outlawed. 100 watt went first and
>>> then
>>> 75 and then 60 or so I was told. GE's plants in Goldsboro, NC (near me)
>>> and
>>> Winchester, VA were shut down and hundreds of American workers lost their
>>> jobs all in the name of switching to more efficient and "planet friendly"
>>> alternatives.
>>> Jump forward a few months. Last week I was in the local corner store.
>>> My
>>> neighbor
>>> was in there inquiring about getting some incandescent bulbs. I chuckled
>>> and said good
>>> luck with that. The store owner spoke up and said, "no, I think I have
>>> some. He went on
>>> to say he'd been able to get them. We walked back to the shelf where
>> they
>>> are kept and
>>> LO and BEHOLD there were several boxes of 100 watt incandescent bulbs
>>> Yet another sham pulled on American working people. I guess they don't
>>> contribute to so called
>>> "global warming" if they are made in China and brought 13,000 miles by
>> way
>>> of ship rather than
>>> making them 60 miles up the road with American workers.
>>> Charlie
>>> -----Original Message-----
>>> From: Stephen Offiler
>>> Sent: Monday, April 25, 2016 2:23 PM
>>> To: Antique tractor email discussion group
>>> Subject: Re: [AT] Battery Charger recommendations
>>> I'm having great success with LED light bulbs. I believe mine are Osram,
>>> but, I am pretty familiar with the LED industry and Cree has an excellent
>>> reputation. What kind of fixture are you using them in? LED's don't
>>> produce all that much heat (say, in relation to an incandescent bulb)
>> but,
>>> on the other hand they do not tolerate heat. Typically they have
>>> signficant heat-sinks built in to control heat, but restrictive light
>>> fixtures could play havoc.
>>> SO
>>> On Mon, Apr 25, 2016 at 11:57 AM, Ron Cook <ron at lakeport-1.com> wrote:
>>>> Charlie,
>>>> I have heard positive response similar to yours on those engines.
>>>> Last August I bought 6 CREE LED light bulbs at Home Depot. They are
>>>> maybe supposed to last 20 years, but only if you do not use them. They
>>>> conveniently left off that disclaimer. Last night while working on a 3
>>>> horse John Deere E engine, the third one went out. More junk!
>>>> Ron Cook, Salix, IA
>>>> On 4/25/2016 10:16 AM, charlie hill wrote:
>>>>> I don't know about their electrics although I think I have a cheap
>>> drill
>>>>> motor or two
>>>>> and maybe a couple of side grinders from their that I bought to use
>> on
>>> a
>>>> job
>>>>> site,
>>>>> however, the 6.5 HP, honda knockoff, horizontal shaft engine that I
>>>> bought
>>>>> from them
>>>>> to put on my garden tiller is flawless after three seasons and at the
>>>> sale
>>>>> price I paid,
>>>>> (about $80.00 out the door) it was less than half of the price of the
>>>>> gas
>>>>> tank I needed
>>>>> to repair the 20 year old 5 hp B&S that came on the tiller.
>>>>> Charlie
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