[AT] Mother
charlie hill
charliehill at embarqmail.com
Mon Apr 11 13:10:49 PDT 2016
Thanks again for the kind replies. I'll be heading out for
MD in an hour or two so this reply will have to suffice
until later. I sincerely appreciate the comments. I do
feel the need to comment on something. I said or gave the
impression that I am not grieving for my mom yet. Actually
I've already gone through that process as I watched her die.
Yes I will miss her but watching her struggle to live and not
understand that she was never going to get better was much
worse than loosing her. I was truly relieved when her struggle
was over. She was/is a very religious person and she was confident
of where she was going when she left this life so I'm just being
happy for her. I'm sure a time will come when I am overwhelmed
with grief but it will be because of my own self pity, not because she
has completed her journey.
-----Original Message-----
From: Richard Fink Sr
Sent: Monday, April 11, 2016 2:54 PM
To: Antique tractor email discussion group
Subject: [AT] Mother
Charlie as all ways i am late but Condolence that is rough been there 2
times but the memories will keep you and your Family going.
R Fink Sr
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