[AT] Discharge Chains
Mike M
meulenms at gmx.com
Fri Apr 1 13:34:32 PDT 2016
About 10 years ago they built a new Meijer grocery store near us. Almost
immediately people were complaining about getting shocked by the
shopping cart handles. I experienced it first hand and can tell you it
was not a pleasant experience, as you pushed the cart around tiny
electrical shocks constantly zapped your hands. I think they finally
fixed it by putting little rubber straps from the cart to the floor. I
think they also did something to the floor.
Mike M
On 4/1/2016 4:11 PM, Indiana Robinson wrote:
> Check the grounds.
> Check the grounds.
> Check the grounds.
> :-)
> Those were ground straps made of conductive rubber, some had fine wire in
> them and I think some just had a lot of conductive carbon in the rubber.
> Many that you bought at a parts store or the old J. C. Whitney catalog had
> a lightning bolt painted on one face of them. They started putting them on
> cars around 1950 or as little ealier when they were switching from cloth
> seats to plastic seat covers. Those dang things could really nail you when
> your feet touched the ground or you reached over and touched another person
> who had just slid into the car.
> I don't really recall the trucks here ever dragging chains or a strap... I
> do recall always grounding a tractor when doing flat belt work usually with
> a steel bar or sometimes a chain. I did normally drag a chain from the rear
> axle of my SP combines for two reasons. One was for a ground to keep the
> windshield cleaner and the other was when dragging about a 6' piece of well
> secured fairly heavy chain when running corn in wet weather it saved
> crawling under a combine in the freshly churned mud to hook a chain or tow
> strap to the axle to tow it out backward if you get stuck.
> As far as lightning goes the best explanation I ever read was by a weather
> scientist (I can't spell meterihffjikist right now) who said that a bolt of
> lightning may well have traveled over 20 miles across the sky... It is
> silly to think it is now going to stop for 4 inches of rubber. :-)
> As to metal skins or wire cages you can Google Faraday Cage Effect.
> In wood working we often use plastic pipe on dust collectors and it is bad
> about building static. You can ground it either by running a bare wire
> inside or outside and to a ground. You don't need a wire for metal pipe as
> long as a ground connection is maintained at one end or the other. That
> mostly applies to commercial woodshops and sawmills etc. In a home shop you
> just don't want the plastic to be zapping you all of the time.
> In commercial shops there can be risk of fire or dust explosion from static
> sparks. In spite of a lot of wild stories floating around on the web I have
> read that there is no statistical record of a home shop explosion or fire
> in a dust collection system unless there were flammable solvents being
> used. Still better safe than sorry I guess. As they say "It couldn't hurt
> anything". :-)
> .
> On Fri, Apr 1, 2016 at 7:58 AM, Henry Miller <hank at millerfarm.com> wrote:
>> Won't male any difference to lightning. Remember, lightning has already
>> traveled a mile or more through the air, nothing you can do in a few feet
>> will stop it. All you can do is provide a better path than you to ground.
>> Metal car bodies are ideal as the lightning can travel around you and then
>> jump the last few inches to the ground.
>> I don't put much faith in tires as a discharge path for static buildup. It
>> probably doesn't matter much while the truck is moving though. Static
>> electricity is on the outside and anything flammable is inside. It is only
>> when loading or unloading that you need to worry, as that is when the
>> contents are on the outside for a moment. So connect the ground wire.
>> On March 31, 2016 11:33:43 PM CDT, Ralph Goff <alfg at sasktel.net> wrote:
>>> On 3/31/2016 10:51 AM, Ray Trimble wrote:
>>>> Growing up in Northern Louisiana in the early 50's I would see trucks
>>> dragging a chain with sparks flying, Dad said that this was to keep a
>>> static charge from building up. What has been done to eliminate the
>>> need for these?
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>>> Probably something to do with preventing static electricity build up.
>>> I've tried it with the combine when harvesting. The theory being that
>>> the straw passing through the moving parts of the combine builds up
>>> static electricity and it causes dust to stick to the machine and
>>> windows. I can't say for sure if it helps all that much.
>>> Not sure if it would be such a good thing during a lightning storm.
>>> Ralph in Sask.
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