[AT] and OT The Terror is back!
Stephen Offiler
soffiler at gmail.com
Wed Oct 14 10:59:03 PDT 2015
I looked at your link to Tom Bearden's work. Briefly. I found it really
hard to read. It comes across as a loose string of pseudo-scientific
assertions, and to actually grasp the content would require a little
background research on each and every assertion just to determine that it's
legitimate and not pseudo-science, and that would take a ton of time and
patience. For the record, I'm a mechanical engineer with about 30 years of
practical experience, a Professional Engineer licence, and a really strong
background in Physics and Chemistry and Thermodynamics and so on. So I
*should* be able to read it, but I can't.
Then, there's these people who have also tried to read it:
On Wed, Oct 14, 2015 at 9:07 AM, Cecil R Bearden <crbearden at copper.net>
> I agree it is a heavy read, but I wold have appreciated about any
> comment rather than wondering if it just died in cyberspace, or I pissed
> off the entire group. I certainly did not want my name changed to
> Walt!!!!..
> When you get down to the part about the OKC bombing, I was there across
> the street. I missed the explosion by about 30 seconds. However, I saw
> the remains and the operations 4 hours later and for the next 8 weeks.
> There are some things that could be explained and a lot that could
> not. What really opened my eyes on that paper was the ability to
> modify the weather. He also mentioned an ability to induce harmonic
> vibrations into the earth's crust in order to create earthquakes.
> Right now we are experiencing earthquakes in Oklahoma as large as a
> 5.0. The epicenter has moved around a bit until it now is centered over
> Cushing OK. Cushing is the intersection of the 2 major pipelines that
> supply fuel to the United states. It has been stated that 90% of the
> Jet fuel goes through these pipes at Cushing, OK.
> That is what makes me ask questions. I am not a conspiracy nut, but I
> have done a lot of forensic engineering. Where this fits in with my
> antique tractors is if the drought continues, I won't have any need to
> use my antique tractors. It is just like the valve has been shut off.
> Also, the sun shining on me now versus in June, just seems to be like
> being too close to a heat lamp!!
> I got Rye seed yesterday to plant over my wheat that I fed to the Army
> worms. I hope to get it sowed today, but I will probably have to spray
> for weeds or just disc it all up. There is a slim chance of Rain for
> Friday, so I am trying to get the seed planted before that...
> Cecil in OKla
> On 10/14/2015 7:14 AM, Chuck Saunders wrote:
> > To be fair Cecil, what you posted was not exactly a light read.
> > Chuck Saunders
> > KCMO
> >
> > On Wed, Oct 14, 2015 at 6:46 AM, Cecil R Bearden <crbearden at copper.net>
> > wrote:
> >
> >> Did the floods in the Carolinas drown out the list?? I posted
> >> yesterday and didn't even get a comment!!! Very unusual... It is dry
> >> as a bone here now, and we are hitting records for heat... It seems
> >> the seasons have stopped paying attention to the calendar!
> >>
> >> Cecil in OKla
> >>
> >>
> >>
> >> On 10/14/2015 3:07 AM, charlie hill wrote:
> >>> Mattias, the link you sent doesn't seem to work
> >>> but it's good to hear from you and see some activity
> >>> on the list just the same.
> >>>
> >>> Charlie
> >>>
> >>> -----Original Message-----
> >>> From: Mattias Kessén
> >>> Sent: Tuesday, October 13, 2015 4:04 PM
> >>> To: Antique tractor email discussion group
> >>> Subject: [AT] Spam> The Terror is back!
> >>>
> >>> https://youtu.be/uh1ta822ad
> >>>
> >>> www.rodjagard.n.nu
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