[AT] Charlie Hill,
charlie hill
charliehill at embarqmail.com
Sun Oct 4 10:00:03 PDT 2015
We are at about 12" in the last week and the ground was already saturated
from the previous 2 weeks. Supposed to start raining again tonight or
-----Original Message-----
From: ATIS
Sent: Sunday, October 04, 2015 8:54 AM
To: Antique tractor email discussion group
Subject: Re: [AT] Charlie Hill,
We only got 2.4" in this most recent event, but we have had rain a bunch of
consecutive days, and that has totaled nearly 6" and contributed to the
flooding. I overheard the local weather guy say that yesterday broke a
record of 10 consecutive days of rain in Greensboro nc - about 30 miles
east of here. We had about 6/100 this morning so that makes 11 days.
48 degrees yesterday morning and high winds so it was cold rain as well.
Spencer Yost
> On Oct 4, 2015, at 8:21 AM, <jtchall at nc.rr.com> <jtchall at nc.rr.com> wrote:
> Charlie, good to hear you haven't washed away! Not only are you guys
> getting
> plenty of rain but everything here is headed your way as well! The
> reservoirs were only down a few feet, but at least they were able to hold
> that much back--I'm sure they are all running over now. The farm pond has
> a
> 4" drain line, it was about a 1/2 " from the top of the line yesterday. We
> got about 1/2" of rain yesterday afternoon and you would have thought it
> was
> 2" the way it ran off. Dad said we are up to about 10.5" in the last week.
> The wind has turned to fairly strong gusts this morning--hope it doesn't
> blow over any trees.
> Only about 1/2 the corn here has been picked. None of the soybeans. Maybe
> 1/2 the tobacco still left? Those guys really needed to be in the field
> last
> week. With so many of them running harvesters, its going to be a mess.
> They
> have about 3 weeks to go before frost danger. For those not familiar with
> tobacco, Too much rain this late in the season can make the leaves fall
> off,
> wind can bend the stalks. When this happens the mechanical harvesters
> cannot
> do a good job. One mechanical harvester can replace about 8 men to do the
> job manually. Tobacco is like produce, it can't take a freeze/frost--and
> that time of year is fast approaching here. Once it is out of the field it
> still takes a week to cure it in the curing barns, so you have to leave
> whatever is in the field out there until a barn is available. A lost crop
> is
> a very real possibility for some of these guys.
> Charlie, what's the story on peanuts? We are hearing they had been dug but
> not combined, guess they are worried about them rotting in the field? Can
> that crop be combined high in moisture and then dried? For that matter are
> they harvested in the shell or are they shelled with the combine? Never
> met
> anyone that raised peanuts.
> Do we have any members in South Carolina? Weather reports a couple days
> ago
> were predicting areas south and east of Charlotte to get 15" or more of
> rain, I can't imagine that much rain in a couple of days.
> John Hall
> -----Original Message-----
> From: charlie hill
> Sent: Sunday, October 04, 2015 4:36 AM
> To: Antique tractor email discussion group
> Subject: Re: [AT] Charlie Hill,
> Hi Mike,
> Yes I'm in Coastal NC in New Bern. It's been raining almost every day
> here
> for about 3 weeks.
> It rained hard up until yesterday morning when it let off. Yesterday was
> nice and sunny and
> I was able to get my yard mowed. I think it rained during the night last
> night but I'm not
> sure how much. Most of the water problems we are having are from
> astronomically high tides
> and wind. The blood moon we just had was a good bit closer to earth than
> the moon usually
> is and that increased the tide height. Also, when we get an east wind,
> primarily North East,
> it backs water up into the river here and prevents the creeks and rivers
> from flowing out normally.
> Some low, flood prone areas are slightly flooded but so far not as bad as
> I
> feared. We are high
> and dry here at our place.
> My sister lives N/W of Charleston. They have a mess there but as far as
> I
> know her house and
> neighborhood is fine.
> Thanks for asking.
> Charlie
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Mike
> Sent: Saturday, October 03, 2015 8:10 PM
> To: ATIS
> Subject: [AT] Charlie Hill,
> Charlie, are you getting any of the rain where you are, I thought you
> were in NC?
> Mike M
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