[AT] don
k6mw at sbcglobal.net
Tue May 19 07:26:10 PDT 2015
Appears you don't have a very good reputation.....
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References <http://forums.qrz.com/archive/index.php/f-16.html> > beware
of Vern Fales (kd7bkq)
PDA <http://forums.qrz.com/archive/index.php/t-30661.html?pda=1>
View Full Version : beware of Vern Fales (kd7bkq)
09-16-2003, 01:07 PM
I recently made a deal with someone by the name of Dave Fales (maybe the
son of Vern Fales or very possibly the same person) and he cashed my
check without ever sending the radio. The man with the callsign above
lives at the address where I sent the check. After getting numerous
e-mails about how he got sick and was in the hospital with cancer, I
called the house and got a lady on the phone that knew nothing about
anyone being sick in their household. this fella was called to the phone
and when I identified myself, he immediately hung up. I have tried
numerous times (about 40) to call and they either don't answer or
hang up in my face. They live in Cody, Wyoming so please beware of this
family. Even the Cody police Dept. told me they were "bad
news", as they put it. When I told my plans of getting even with
this guy to the police, they told me to go ahead and do what I needed to
do, as they didn't blame me for feeling that way. I have tried to
get hold of the mother, the father or whoever lives in that house, and I
get nothing. The only reply I get is by e-mail and all he says is
"I sent the radio" - period. that is it. No tracking #, no
paid receipt from the postal service, no nothing! So, beware of
anyone by the last name Fales in Cody Wyoming. Whether it was the Vern
fella or the son David, I don't know. If his son is beating people
out of money, the father should step up to the plate and make it good,
and then stop the kid from beating innocent people. Maybe they are one
in the same - I just don't know. Beware, beware,
On 5/19/2015 5:17 AM, E Vern wrote:
> are you a ham
> vern
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