[AT] Remembering/now Facebook

David Trompower flywelder at live.com
Fri Mar 6 23:00:05 PST 2015

I like Glass's suggestion! 
I use Facebook for keeping up and in touch with distant family, and the young folks in my family seeing how there all on it! gee!   ( crazy )   however i use it just for that!  I am on FB  only once or twice a week.  I also don't like  or appreciate that FB  tells every one that you are friends with,  every group  you join or every  time you place a comment or visit some one's page!   Too damn  ' open'  for me to feel comfortable.  Feels like I am being  constantly monitored  or observed! I am uncomfortable with everyone knowing my travels and comments and where I went and when! and if I joined a group, or up loaded a picture and who is in the picture!, or asking me if I want  tag some one in the picture! rrrg!  Some things don't need to be known to all! 
 I like things the way they are,  besides, why kick a sleeping dog?  Why bail out of a perfectly good airplane? 
Again, I like Glass's suggestion.  keep this  use FB for  pictures. and the FB group would have to be a private group!
That's just my  two cents worth.. thank you

R. David 
flywelder at live.com

> Date: Fri, 6 Mar 2015 07:41:55 -0500
> From: dglass at numail.org
> To: at at lists.antique-tractor.com
> Subject: Re: [AT] Remembering/now Facebook
> Maybe we don't have to switch to Facebook, but use it as a technical 
> page.  When we have a tractor problem we could post the photo's and when 
> responding we could also post photo's rather than have to explain it.  
> It could be a closed group so crazy people could be kept out.  When 
> someone post a problem they could mention it on the list so we would 
> know it's there.
> On 3/5/2015 10:15 PM, Spencer Yost wrote:
> > I use Facebook extensively to keep up with my 16 nieces and nephews.  It's amazing what they will post even when "uncle diesel" is watching. God only knows what's happening that they won't post. Plus my daughter posts some very nice pictures of my grandson there too.
> >
> > Not much use for anything else if you ask me, so I never seriously considered starting an ATIS page there.
> >
> > I doubt I could be swayed, but I like to keep an open mind. So if I am wrong about this in light of everyone else's opinions, let me know!
> >
> > Spencer
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