[AT] Cecil, Latin, words and tractors
Richard Fink Sr
rfinksr at verizon.net
Fri Jul 17 12:20:24 PDT 2015
Dave is that why my thoughts go bad, or get me in trouble
R Fink
On 7/16/2015 8:08 PM, Dave Rotigel wrote:
> I'm glad that you DID NOT study mathematics, farmer. A great man once pointed out that in math a line is made up of a series of points, and a point has neither width, nor breath, nor depth. In short, a point is really NOTHING--and thinking about nothing for long periods of time destroys one's ability to think critically about anything!
> Dave
>> I speak decent basic math but hardly a word of algebra...
>> I understand very basic geometry but to me calculus is a bony foot growth.
>> I wanted to learn more but after I heard that Mobius (who apperantly wasn't
>> quite sure how to spell his name) was going to strip I got out of the math
>> department before I got in trouble...
>> .
>> --
>> --
>> Francis Robinson
>> aka "farmer"
>> Central Indiana USA
>> robinson46176 at gmail.com
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