[AT] Case IH question
Gayle Chew
gorrchew at gmail.com
Fri Jul 3 07:19:45 PDT 2015
A close friend and I are looking at a 2000 MX120 CASE IH 4 wheel drive with
a shuttle and a loader. It has 2 sets of remotes; 9000 hours. I know this
is relatively a new rig but hope someone on the list might have some
knowledge and suggestions about this tractor. Fair price??
I never see our posts or answers but hope this gets through. Happy 4th of
July to everyone. God bless America.
Ron Chew
On the CASE
Granite Falls WA
On Fri, Jul 3, 2015 at 6:50 AM, Ralph Goff <alfg at sasktel.net> wrote:
> On 7/3/2015 5:34 AM, Gene Dotson wrote:
> > Spencer
> >
> > I bought my 479 haybine from 30 miles away. I towed it home behind
> my
> > Jeep Grand Cherokee. Had no problem, just had to watch for mailboxes on
> the
> > narrow county roads. Also got my New Idea hay rake and towed it home
> from 45
> > miles away behind the same Jeep.
> >
> > Gene
> >
> >
> >
> Gene, and Spencer, the 479 Haybine has quite a heavy hitch weight. I
> towed mine home with the 81 GMC pickup.
> Only about 12 miles on gravel but I was surprised how it made the truck
> sit down at the rear bumper. The hitch
> does swing over to transport position which helps make it a lot narrower
> . Mine has a bent pivot area that
> makes it pretty tight to swing over but a block behind the right side
> wheel and the tractor persuade it
> to swing over.
> Ralph in Sask.
> >
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