[AT] off topic, need help on new parts chasing truck.

Indiana Robinson robinson46176 at gmail.com
Sun Feb 1 08:06:57 PST 2015

On Sun, Feb 1, 2015 at 10:31 AM, Ron Cook <ron at lakeport-1.com> wrote:

> The fist time I saw under the hood of those Ford pickups with that
> engine back under the windshield I said to my buddy that had just bought
> it,"How do you work on that?"  He said, " I am never working on it.  You
> have to remove the cab.  When the warranty runs out it is gone."  Now
> this guy is a year older than I and we have always been good friends.
> He is a gearhead and has built everything from here to there.  Retired
> now as Maintenance chief at a Gelita USA plant and devout Ford nut.  So,
> based on his statement and looking at my non-existent pile of dollars I
> decided I would never own one of those things.  I am too old to do that
> sort of work and too poor to hire it done.  My thinking is that it is
> NOT one of Ford's better ideas and one of my very good friends is a Ford
> dealer.

A couple of years ago I was looking at a maybe 10 year old Ford Expedition
and was pleasantly surprised at how accessible the rear of the engine was.
The firewall was pretty much straight down from the cowl. It was nice
looking at it after looking under so many hoods and saying "I guess there
is an engine in there someplace".


Francis Robinson
aka "farmer"
Central Indiana USA
robinson46176 at gmail.com

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