[AT] Glow plugs
charlie hill
charliehill at embarqmail.com
Wed Dec 23 18:01:47 PST 2015
You sure are right about them being a different animal but I'm very fond of
the old Detroits. I have seen two of them come completely unglued with
parts flying. One was a 3-53 in a log skidder and it was inside a shop with
people working all around it. They were running for cover. It had just
rebuilt and they test fired it forgetting that they had not hooked the
linkage back up. The other was a 6-71 in a concrete truck.
Merry Christmas to all.
-----Original Message-----
From: Cecil R Bearden
Sent: Wednesday, December 23, 2015 1:02 AM
To: Antique tractor email discussion group
Subject: Re: [AT] Glow plugs
Detroits are another animal when it comes to gassing the intake. I was
on a site one time clearing an old house site where there was an old
Hough loader with a 3-53. The operator was going to pick up an old 250
gallon propane tank and move it. Like the idiot he was, he tried to
scoop up the tank in the bucket. The tank turned over and broke off the
liquid valve. It started spewing and the detroit started revving up in
about 30 seconds. He baled off the loader. I ran over and plugged the
air intake with my coat. It was a heavy Carrhart and it shut it down in
a few seconds. The boss asked me if I could drive the loader, I said I
had been operating equipment since I was 6 years old. I was about 23
then. Boss fired the idiot operator on site & I got a raise!. Worked
all Christmas vacation and weekends for the guy driving anything he had.
I got $12/hr whenever I had time to work for him..... If I had
stayed I would have had my own construction company. Oh Well!
Cecil in OKla
On 12/22/2015 11:22 AM, charlie hill wrote:
> Cecil I've seen that done a few times too but be careful.
> One day I was on a logging job when the loader ran out of
> fuel. The 4 53 detroit wouldn't pick up the fuel and the very
> experienced mechanic used the red rag soaked in gas trick.
> Unfortunately he used a bit too much gas on the rag. The
> detroit fired and sped to an RPM way beyond what it should
> have been turning. We all headed for safety expecting it to come
> apart. It didn't but it did blow the tip off of 2 injectors in the
> process.
> Charlie
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Cecil R Bearden
> Sent: Monday, December 21, 2015 8:34 AM
> To: Antique tractor email discussion group
> Subject: Re: [AT] Glow plugs
> I have an old trick that was showed to my by a OK Nat Gas company
> backhoe operator back in 1975. I had rented a JD crawler that was worn
> out, and a tree had toppled over and broke the fuel filter bracket. I
> had it welded and mounted it back with a new filter and could not get
> the system complete bled. He took an old sweatshirt rag and soaked it
> with gas, held it over the air cleaner and I hit the starter. The
> engine would run on the gasoline with a little knock, until it picked up
> fuel and started running.
> I have used that trick many times since, even in cold weather on Perkins
> engines without damage to the engine.
> I ran out of fuel in one side tank on a semi on the side of the road
> about 1/4 mile from the T/A truckstop. I switched to the other tank
> but the engine would not pick up fuel. Hiked over to the truckstop and
> bought a gas can then back to the gas station for a gallon of gas also
> bought a pack of red rags. When I got back to the truck I did not want
> to ruin my pack of rags, so I just poured gas on the air filter. It
> started and ran fine. I went on in to OKC...
> I had an 1155 Massey that had a V-8 diesel with the inj pump in the V of
> the engine. It was a bear to pump. I would use the gas on a rag trick
> to get fuel back into the pump.
> My 7.3 powerstroke will lose pump pressure after sitting for 6 months.
> I disconnect the glow plug and use the gas on the rag to get it to start
> without running down the batteries.
> I have started my 930 Case a few winters with the gas on a rag as the
> glow plug does not work.
> My Belarus tractors have a glow system that drips fuel into the manifold
> and lights it off to create a small fire to warm up the air in the
> manifold. I have never used it as they start fine as long as the
> batteries crank fast enough.
> Cecil in OKla
> On 12/21/2015 12:54 AM, Greg Hass wrote:
>> I have a 715 IH combine that I used until last year. It had a 706 or 806
>> engine with glow plugs. The guy I bought it from said even at 80 degrees
>> it would not start without the glow plugs and I found out he was right.
>> Even if it had been working hard, after 5 minutes you needed the glow
>> plugs. The guy who owns the coffee shop I go to has a IH compact of
>> about 35 hp. Last spring, if it was below freezing it would not start
>> unless he warmed up the air cleaner with a hair dryer. It is a four
>> cylinder engine of some foreign make, but although he has had it for 10
>> years, only has 400 hours. Two weeks ago he replaced all the glow plugs
>> and brought the old ones to the coffee shop and I tested them; all 4
>> were bad. Years ago we had a 930 Case wheatland diesel and it had a big
>> glow coil in the intake manifold. It never worked so the few times we
>> run in cold weather we towed it or used a little starting fluid. It too
>> had the warning label on it saying not to use starting fluid and the
>> glow coil together. A neighbor told us a friend of his had the same
>> set-up and the tractor wouldn't start with the glow coil so he heated it
>> up and gave it a shot of starting fluid. When it sucked it in it blew
>> the manifold right off the tractor. A cousin of mine (years ago) told
>> me his neighbor had a IH 560 and was pulling 2 loads of hay up a hill,
>> on the road, and it lugged down. He reached down and pressed the ether
>> button and blew a rod out the side of the block. From what I have seen,
>> if your engine has glow plugs and the temperature is around freezing, it
>> is probable a good idea to us them for a few seconds at least. If it
>> starts without the plugs I don't think it hurts anything, but using them
>> when cold gives it a little boost.
>> Greg Hass
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