[AT] JD G in Snow

charlie hill charliehill at embarqmail.com
Thu Dec 17 17:22:20 PST 2015

Very good advice!


-----Original Message----- 
From: tmehrkam at sbcglobal.net
Sent: Thursday, December 17, 2015 10:02 AM
To: Antique tractor email discussion group
Subject: Re: [AT] JD G in Snow

Camera needs to be on a tripod.  Or at least braced against something.  Use 
delayed shutter or a remote release if possible.

Disable Auto focus and manual focus if that option is available.
Open the lens as much as you dare.  Depending on the field of view all the 
way if possible.
Take a shot.  If digital you can Chimp it and then adjust the exposure.  I 
do not know what type of camera you are using but if it has full Manual now 
would be a good time to learn the exposure triangle and use manual exposure. 
Take several shots at different exposures.  Shoot in Raw mode if possible 
and adjust the exposure in photo shop.   Or the software that came with your 
The shots with the stars in the background was a long exposure.  Probably 
over 30 seconds or many shots stacked.  Very little lighting would be 
required for the tractor.  The moon in back of the camera or a flash light 
could be used for lighting.  Or you can do multiple exposures on one frame 
either in the camera or with Photoshop.

Did say a tripod and remote shutter release is a good Idea. :-}
You can get good results with almost any equipment if you experiment a 

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