[AT] Ten Years Ago

jtchall at nc.rr.com jtchall at nc.rr.com
Sat Dec 12 08:20:16 PST 2015

Most of our snows are fairly wet. 8" can get to be a problem when moving the 
second pass with a 45 hp tractor and a 7 ft blade. That big snow drifted 
real deep on the road in front of my house, I had one spot I couldn't get to 
clear down to asphalt. My cousin swung his Jeep in it but managed to keep 
working and got it free. I swung my 2wd pickup in it after I had cleared the 
road--literally it was off the ground and had to pull it to my house.

If I could have figured out how to make that Loadstar haul grain I would 
have attempted to buy it. It was a tilt bed, didn't get very steep. At that 
time, 2 of my paychecks would not even make my truck payment, needless to 
say I was buying any playtoys!

That pic or your old Ford from 71 would have most of us around here fleeing 
like rats from a sinking ship! We would all be headed down I-95 to Florida. 
None of us here are mentally wired for that kind of snow! We gripe if its 
still laying around a week after it falls!

John Hall

-----Original Message----- 
From: Ralph Goff
Sent: Saturday, December 12, 2015 9:49 AM
To: Antique tractor email discussion group
Subject: Re: [AT] Ten Years Ago

On 12/12/2015 7:44 AM, jtchall at nc.rr.com wrote:
> My 1926 Farmall headed to the local Christmas parade in Dec 1989.
> Notice the very light dusting of snow on the ground. I still have the
> tractor but wish I had the truck. The truck belonged to the IH dealer
> dad worked for. They had just repainted the doors--Removed the big IH
> logo and replaced it with a Cub Cadet---their customer base had
> certainly changed. The truck was a 16 or 1700 Loadstar IH, mid 70s
> model. No winch, instead it had a hydraulic cylinder in the body. If
> you could get the truck to sit still you could drag anything to it
> that it could haul, and then some. If I would have had the money, I'd
> certainly have bought the truck when the dealer sold out at auction 2
> years later.
> John Hall
I do like that Loadstar. Much like my 71. Great machinery hauler the was
it is set up in your photo.
You had some real snow pics earlier too. We don't often have trouble
with snow packing up on the
wheels as it is usually cold and dry, flows like the desert sands off
the blade.
Its not a tractor photo but this one of my 39 Ford on the road has been
pretty popular on facebook.
  I only wish I'd had a better camera back in February of 71. The Kodak
instamatic was all I could afford
at the time I guess.
Shows the snow as high as the roof of the Ford after the municipal
graders had pushed through with
the V plough first and then the wing to widen it a little. I'd guess the
old Champions spent a few hours
breaking through the snowbanks on that municipal road.

Ralph in Sask.

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