[AT] Test
charlie hill
charliehill at embarqmail.com
Thu Aug 6 07:49:51 PDT 2015
David, I don't mean to be argumentative but I don't know of any
drivers that had to stop driving when the CDL's came out. If they had
a current driving job with a Class A license all they had to do was fill
out a form and get the CDL. Sure there were some bad drivers on the
road back then but they haven't gone anywhere because of CDL's
with the exception of some who had health issues. In fact I'd argue
the opposite. Back then to become a truck driver you had to learn how
to drive a rig on your own and most owners wouldn't allow you in their
truck unless they were pretty sure you could handle it and bring it back
in one piece. Most were farm boys or ranchers or grew up around trucks
or logging, etc. Now days someone who knows nothing about driving
can go to a community college and be pampered into passing the exam.
Some of them do ok going down the highway but most of them would be
completely lost and inept if they had to take the truck off road and go
through a field or onto a logging deck, etc.
I think where I would agree with you is that when the CDL's started
enforcement and inspection was upgraded and increased. The days
of driving trucks with virtually no brakes and leaking air lines are gone.
I can remember from my driving days having to drive trucks that were
absolutely unsafe because the boss couldn't afford to fix them and
there were other guys sitting right there at the truck stop that were
to take your job if you refused to drive the broke down rig. I have driven
trucks that, when loaded, you could not stop from highway speed in a quarter
a mile, maybe half a mile.
You learn a lot about defensive driving from the seat of a rig like that!
-----Original Message-----
From: David Bruce
Sent: Thursday, August 06, 2015 9:56 AM
To: Antique tractor email discussion group
Subject: Re: [AT] Test
It was a real blessing for the motoring public when the CDL was
instituted. Got rid of a lot of the "cowboy drivers" who were a menace.
Granted there are issues and nothing is perfect but I do remember the
pre-CDL days not so fondly. Professional acting big rig drivers have my
ultimate respect and I try to be respectful. I had an eye opening
experience when moving a tractor on a trailer when I moved a couple
decades ago. Most drivers are complete idiots.
Had a perfect example of that a couple days ago. On a divided highway I
damn near rear ended a van pulling an open trailer. Driving well under
the minimum speed because of a flat on one of the trailer wheels. No
warning lights, the FedEx truck in front of me gave no warning before
whipping around him. I was lucky in I had room to move as well. I
sympathize with the issue with the trailer limping home with one tire
shredding (dual axle) but some flashers would have been nice. 65+ MPH
simply does not mix with 35 MPH.
On 8/6/2015 9:30 AM, Cecil R Bearden wrote:
> I got mine so long ago that I did not have to take the driving test...!!
> Cecil in OKla
> On 8/6/2015 7:59 AM, charlie hill wrote:
>> Cecil, I had to renew my drivers license this year and waited
>> (true to my form) until the day before my birthday. I have a Class
>> A license which is the same as a CDL but without any endorsements.
>> More accurately it is what was a CDL before there was a CDL and I
>> never updated it. I don't know what use it is to me but I keep it
>> and that means I have to renew every 4 years instead of every 5 and
>> I have to go in and take the eye test every time. This time I got cocky
>> and didn't bother to look at the book before hand. I passed and got
>> everything right but it scared me when I looked at that round circle on
>> the
>> screen and had to pause 10 seconds to realize that, painted yellow with
>> an X on it, it's a rail road crossing. I did the same thing when I saw
>> that
>> baseball home plate on the screen and had to pause to realize it's a
>> school crossing. It's amazing how easy it is to get partially stumped
>> on something you know cold just by removing a few details.
>> I keep thinking I'll go and take the driving test and get a CDL but to
>> do so I'd have to borrow someone's road tractor and trailer and it
>> has to be one that you know will pass inspection (no air or oil leaks,
>> all
>> lights working, etc.). That's kind of a big favor to ask of someone.
>> I guess at 65 I should just drop the Class A back to a Class C and forget
>> about it.
>> Charlie
>> -----Original Message-----
>> From: Cecil R Bearden
>> Sent: Thursday, August 06, 2015 8:27 AM
>> To: Antique tractor email discussion group
>> Subject: Re: [AT] Test
>> Thanks Charlie. It has been so long ago I had to study that I forgot
>> how. I used to hold a hazmat CDL cetification. I always had to take
>> it the second time to pass. After 6 years and no Hazmat loads, I
>> dropped it so I could quit studying...
>> Cecil in OKla
>> On 8/6/2015 1:05 AM, charlie hill wrote:
>>> no you passed fine without studying Cecil.
>>> Charlie
>>> -----Original Message-----
>>> From: Cecil R Bearden
>>> Sent: Wednesday, August 05, 2015 5:26 PM
>>> To: Antique tractor email discussion group
>>> Subject: Re: [AT] Test
>>> Do I have to study for this test??
>>> Made it to OK
>>> Cecil in OKla
>>> On 8/5/2015 4:11 PM, charlie hill wrote:
>>>> Not getting any mail at this end.
>>>> I know I've been missing some.
>>>> Now I seem to be missing all.
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