[AT] New Lawn Tractor
charlie hill
charliehill at embarqmail.com
Thu Apr 30 08:09:40 PDT 2015
True enough I guess but not in this case.
-----Original Message-----
From: Chuck Saunders
Sent: Wednesday, April 29, 2015 6:18 PM
To: Antique tractor email discussion group
Subject: Re: [AT] New Lawn Tractor
I'm not sure who was the winner there Charlie. Could be a shrewd lawyer
On Wednesday, April 29, 2015, charlie hill <charliehill at embarqmail.com>
> Greg a few years back a friend of mine took a chain saw to the home of
> another friend and
> asked him to help him get it sawing better. My other friend told him his
> chain was worn out
> to get a new one. He did and installed the chain himself. A few days
> later
> he went back to
> my friend and said "I can't get this saw to cut a thing. Do you want it?"
> My friend says "yeah
> I'll take it" The guys says it's yours and leaves. My friend took the
> chain off and turned it
> around and has been using it ever since.
> Another friend, wife of a lawyer, came home one day to find her husband in
> the yard with
> the JD dealer with a new lawn tractor on the ground and the guy getting
> ready to load up
> the rear engine, pull start Snapper they owned. She asked what was going
> on. He said he
> couldn't start it and was tired of fooling with it. The JD dealers driver
> chimed in that he
> couldn't get it started either. She reached down at the front near the
> pedals
> and turned the key, pulled the cord once and it purred like a kitten.
> She had the driver take the JD back and told her husband to take
> care of the lawyering and let her take care of the mowing.
> Charlie
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Greg Hass
> Sent: Wednesday, April 29, 2015 2:43 PM
> To: at at lists.antique-tractor.com <javascript:;>
> Subject: Re: [AT] New Lawn Tractor
> A few years ago a local independent hardware owner took in a trade on a
> new mower (he sold Simplicity mowers). The trade in was only one year
> old (don't know the make) and did not run. He traded it because he was
> farming and in a hurry and got mad that a one season old mower won't
> run. Obviously, he got very little on the trade as the hardware owner
> had no idea what it would cost to repair it. After a month or so the
> hardware owner told his sons, who worked with him , that they should
> look at the mower and either get it running or scrape it and get it out
> of the way. The long and short of it was that being almost out of gas
> the farmers wife drove it over to the fuel barrels and filled the mower
> with diesel fuel. After draining and flushing the fuel system the
> hardware owner made a good profit on the trade-in.
> Greg Hass
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