[AT] Tire slipping on rim

Mike meulenms at gmx.com
Thu Apr 2 20:13:44 PDT 2015

It's OK Dave, we know you're a SEL transplant and us FATG don't hold 
that against you :-)

Mike M

On 4/2/2015 10:15 PM, Dave Rotigel wrote:
> Hi Mike, I'm sorry that what I say/type is so hard for some to understand. I will try harder in the future. Thanks for your reply!
> 	Dave
> On Apr 2, 2015, at 9:48 PM, Mike wrote:
>> Yes, calling India would have yielded a treasure trove of information,
>> they are so easy to understand, ever call the Dell support line? Also
>> unless Cecil has an international cell plan, he's looking at between $6
>> and $7 dollars per minute.  I think I'd wait for the email response.
>> Mike M
>> On 4/2/2015 8:58 PM, Dave Rotigel wrote:
>>> Hi Cecil, Sorry I was not more clear. I should have said "CALL THEM"! Really sorry I did not make it more clear. I will try harder in the future. I know that some have trouble reading what I type!
>>> 	Dave
>>> On Apr 2, 2015, at 8:28 PM, Cecil R Bearden wrote:
>>>> Here is the reply to my email Dave!!
>>>> We will revert to you by next week
>>>> Best Regards,
>>>> Hardeep
>>>> Chief Executive- Export
>>>> Speedways Rubber Company
>>>> India
>>>> Tel
>>>> Fax +91 181 2420031
>>>> http://www.speedwaystyres.com <http://www.speedwaystyres.com/>
>>>> A customer is the most important visitor on our premises. He is not
>>>> dependent on us. We are dependent on him. He is not an interruption in
>>>> our work. He is the purpose of it. He is not an outsider in our
>>>> business. He is part of it. We are not doing him a favor by serving him.
>>>> He is doing us a favor by giving us an opportunity to do so (Mahatma Gandhi)
>>>> On 4/2/2015 12:47 PM, Dave Rotigel wrote:
>>>>> If I were you, Cecil, I would call the tire manufacturer and ask them what to do. You MAY be surprised by their answer!
>>>>> 	Dave
>>>>> On Apr 2, 2015, at 9:32 AM, Cecil R Bearden wrote:
>>>>>> I bought 2 ea 18.4 x 38 Speedway R1 rear tractor tires from Agri-Tech
>>>>>> imports about 2 years ago.  I mounted them in August 2014.  They were
>>>>>> used on my  White 2-105 tractor pulling a John Deere 16-8 grain drill.
>>>>>> This load does not require very much traction force.  I have replaced 3
>>>>>> tubes in one tire and 2 on the other for a total of 5 tubes.  The
>>>>>> replacement was required due to the rim slipping in the tire.  I now
>>>>>> have another tire going flat and the tube valve appears to be pulled out
>>>>>> of the tube.
>>>>>>   At $100 per tube these tires are getting to be very expensive, as i
>>>>>> have now accrued a $600 tube expense. In addition to the 30 gallons of
>>>>>> Methanol at $3.25/gallon for antifreeze.
>>>>>> I know there is no way that I can get a replacement from the
>>>>>> manufacturer as they will find 25 ways to get out of replacing the
>>>>>> tires.    I have thought of using   rim screws to hold the tire in
>>>>>> place.  Has anyone used these in a tube type tire?
>>>>>> Cecil in OKla
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