[Farmall] Cleaning Rusty Gas Tanks

Barney Van De Weert bbvande at yahoo.com
Wed Sep 24 16:25:02 PDT 2014

You read the same post I did and you pretty much have it right- I checked my H last weekend, the fuel bowl is 1/4 full of rust- I'm thinking I will need some kind of lining material- I have been having a problem w/ the float needle sticking in the carb

Do any of you out there have something you use that works good?
Barney Van De Weert

On Wednesday, September 24, 2014 3:45 PM, South Mountain Pharmacy <somopharm at rcn.com> wrote:

I have a gas tank on my T-5 that is giving problems with clogging up the fuel filter with rust particles.  I know this was discussed many years ago and think I even cleaned up a few tanks since I still have some Johnson Fuel Tank Liner but thats probably 15 years ago and my memory isn't what it used to be.  I know some sort of soluition was mixed up and then chain sections were placed inside the tank to agitate and scrub the inside of the tank.  What was the cleaning solution and how do you guys agitate your tank.  I remeber some guys strapped them to a tractor rear wheel but I know I never did that.  Looking for any ideas that may come to mind as I need to get this done ASAP.

Lane Freeman
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